*Epilogue* ❤

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It's 5 months later and I couldn't be happier. Asher and I got married and I'm pregnant. I'm so huge for only 5 months. 3 days after the crowning, I found out I was pregnant. I'm so excited. Mari was engaged to Kale and Kaia is also Pregnant and she Married to Ryder. Hazel and Riley are still dating, taking things slow. Kaia is 6 Months and having a boy. Apparently, she had been pregnant before the crowning she was just keeping it a secret. Mr. And Mrs. Kaye had moved out of the palace to give us some room to raise the kids even though I told them they didn't have to because there was plenty of room, but they insisted. They told us they went back to earth for the last time and sold Kaye's. All the students went back to day school and they came back to Sion and they now live in the farther parts of Sion, settling down. Asher and I have gotten much closer. I love him a lot and he is really excited to have kids. So I guess you can say that there's only one thing I lm dreading. And it's they day Mike and Wesley are released from prison......

Now it's really the end! Lol. Don't delete this out of your library just yet! I will update one more time to tell you when I've started sequel. Love everyone that reads and shows support! Thanks! Please share with your friends. I would love all the reads and vote I can get. Message me if you want me to read your story! I love reading new things. Keep reading my other story, My bad bitch. I will keep updating that one for awhile. Alright love you guys!

Destiny ❤

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