Chapter 18 ❤

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LoveHate Thing Chapter 18

I awoke to Asher's warm arm wrapped around my waist. He was sleeping soundly so I decided not to wake him. I slowly moved his arm from around me and tiptoed in the bathroom. I closed the door and turned on the shower. I hopped in and let the hot water rush over me. After about 15 minutes, I hop out. I grab the clothes I picked out and put them on. I had on a black vest with a white blouse some black and white leggings and flats. I put my hair in a bun on the top of my head. I looked in the mirror. It was perfect. I step out of the bathroom and Asher is gone. I leave my room and start walking to the dining room when I run into this girl. She looked a little older than me around 18. She was beautiful. Like she had just dropped from heaven. Long blonde hair that curled at the ends, Amazing skin tone, nice body and her eyes were just gorgeous. They were pink with little specks of green in them. She looked at me staring at her.

"I-um-oh I'm sorry Miss" I stutter quickly trying to find the words.

"You must be Dallas" She spoke. The words just rolled off her tongue like water.

"Yes ma'am" I say. She put her hand up.

"You are quite alright, Your highness. Please. I am Sapphire. You lady in waiting. Sorry I didn't meet you yesterday. I had a few things to take care of at the market." She said. This beautiful girl was serving me? I felt like it should have been the other way around. She was flawless. Not a thing wrong with her. Almost too perfect.

"It's ok. Have u seen Asher ?" I ask. She raising an eyebrow then points to the ballroom. I nod and thank her before preceding ahead. Inside the ballroom sat Asher at the baby grand piano. He was trying to play something but couldn't find the keys. I went up to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. He looked up and kissed my hand.

"Goodmorning Love" He said.

"Goodmorning. What are you doing ?" I ask. He ran a hand through his hair and stood up,shaking his head.

"Nothing. Just fooling around. You hungry ?" He asked, walking out of the ballroom. I follow him.

"Yeah" I say. He walks into the kitchen and claps his hands. The waiters rush in with two plates of food. We sit down at the table and start eating. It was blueberry pancakes, eggs, bacon and a glass of orange juice. I ate it all up. It was delicious.

"Mom and Dad are working so do you want me to show you around Sion?" Asher asked, finishing his breakfast. I nod quickly and he gets up grabbing my hand. He pulls me out of the dining room and to front door. He pulls something out of the closet and there skateboards with no wheels. Im confused by it.

"There hover boards. There easy to ride. I'll show you." He steps outside and throws the boards. They didn't touch the ground. The hovered on top of it. I step on top of it slowly and gain my balance.

"All you have to do is swipe your foot that is not on the board on the floor. Then you'll gain some speed and all you have to do is lean left and right to turn." Asher said, getting on his board and flying off. I swiped my foot and got some speed then i flew off. I caught up with Asher. He looked at me then smiled. We flew down the path, heading into town. The more we flew, the less I could see the palace. We started going past buildings and then I started to see people. Everyone starting looking at us, smiling. We finally stopped in front of a bakery. Asher hopped off his board and parked it outside. He grabbed my hand.

"There's someone I want you to meet." He says, pulling me inside. The bell above the door dings and the fresh yummy smell of baked goods hits my face. A short round man pops out from behind the counter. He had a short white mustache with black and gray hair. He was wearing an apron with flour on it.

"Ash!" He says, happily, pulling Asher in a tight hug.

"Ronny! How you been ?" Asher says.

"Good. It's been awhile. You grown up. Look how tall you are! And your hair!" He said, ruffling Asher's hair. Asher laughs. The baker, Ronny, looks over at me.

"And who is this beautiful flower ?" He asks Asher, still looking at me. Asher takes my hand and pulls me towards him.

"This is My girlfriend and mate, Dallas" Ronny shakes my hand and bows.

"Your highness" Ronny says.

"Please Call me Dallas" I say, smiling. He smiles back.

"So will you take over the kingdom?" Ronny asks.

"I-I don't know" I say. Ronny smiles fades and he shakes his head.

"I don't understand." Ronny says.

"She doesn't know if she ready to leave her life yet" Asher says.

"Oh. I hope you make the right decision. We need you." Ronny says, looking at me. I nod.

"Well, We better get going Ronny. It was nice to see you again" Asher says, pulling me out of the shop. I wave as the door closes behind me.


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