Chapter 19 ❤

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LoveHate Thing Chapter 19

After touring Sion, We made our way bak to palace. Asher said lunch would be ready by then. As we entered, the guards bowed as usual. When we stepped in, Annalise was dusting the vases.

"Good afternoon, Annalise." Asher says. She looks up at me and Asher, smiling.

"Good afternoon, Your highnesses" She says, curtsying.

"Is lunch prepared?"

"Should be. Alan was finishing up the fries when I went in there" Asher nods and precedes to the dining room were Mr. & Mrs. Kaye sat.

"Hello son! Dallas, did you enjoy the tour of Sion?" Mr. Kaye asks.

"Yes, Sir. You have an amazing kingdom." I complement.

"Thank you! Please have a seat. Lunch is finished." He said, pointing towards the seats. We sat down and started eating. It was burgers and fries and salad. It was all very good.

"Is Kaia around ?" I ask.

"Yes, she should be in her room. I'll have Ruby show you. Ruby!" Mr. Kaye calls. A girl with dark brown hair and ruby colored eyes walks in.

"Yes, Your highness?" She asks.

"Show Dallas to Kaia's quarters." He said. I stood up and followed Ruby as she led me up the main flight of stairs and down a hall. She knocked on the first door with flower on the front. Kaia answered with a worried look on her face.

"Hey Ruby." She says.

"Miss Dallas would like to see you." She said, gesturing towards me.

"Of course. Thank you, Ruby. Come in, Dallas." She said, opening the door wider. I walk in as she closes the door behind me. She immediately goes back to pacing the floors.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Ummm..." She starts. I grab her by the arm and sit her on the bed.

"You can tell me" I say. She sighs.

"Well...I'm worried you won't take the throne." Kaia says.

"Kaia, I-" I start but she cuts me off.

"No, I totally understand, Dallas. It's a lot to leave behind. It's a big choice. There's just nobody else in line but you. I can't take it because I'm a girl. Even though, Ryder is my destined mate, he is not of our blood line. Your the only one who can complete the decision. I know it's a lot to ask for but we need you" Kaia says, with pleading eyes.

"I-I don't know yet." I say. She nods. I feel bad, but there's nothing I can do. I stand up and head for the door. Just as I'm about to open it, Kaia adds:

"I just want what's best for the people." I nod and walk out, bumping into Asher.

"Oh. Hey, Love. I was just about to get you." He says, hugging me.

"For what?" I ask. He grabs my hand and starts pulling me down the hall.

"I thought we could take a trip to the orphanage. That's one place we haven't been."

After 15 minutes, we walked up to a big brick building. Asher pushes open the gates and we walked in and up to the doors. He banged on the door and a tall lady answered.

"Hello, Your Highness" She said, curtsying.

"Mrs. Valdamore. We would like of your orphanage." Asher asked.

"Sure. Follow me. And who is this?" She asked as we walked in the house.

"My Mate, Dallas" He said.

"Oh, The one that's going to take over the throne?" She asked.

"Well, She's in the process of deciding and I think this will help her decision." Mrs. Valadamore nods. The place is small with tons of kids running around. Some kids can't get adopted because nobody wants them. It's a really sad case. It made my decision a whole lot better...

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