Chapter 16 ❤

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LoveHate Thing Chapter 16

(Asher's pov still)

My Mom and Dad stood in the same parking lot where Mike was, waiting for us. They had the ship with them so we must me going to Sion, the Elemental world where we really lived. Kaia ran to Mom and Dad and hugged them.

"Hi Mom and Dad" She says.

"Hi sweetheart." Mom says. Then I walk up with my hand in Dallas's. Dad looks at her with a raised eyebrow.

"So this is your mate?" Dad questions.

"By fate, yes. I haven't marked her yet." I say.

"Hello, Dallas. I'm Karla and this is my husband, Adam. It is very nice to meet you" she said, shaking Dallas's hand.

"We got bigger problems. Uncle Mike is out to kill Dallas for the throne." Mom gasped.

"I knew it was only a matter time. Come on. Get in ship. We will talk about it more when we get there." My dad opened the ship and we all hustled in. Dad said a few words to Dexter and Dexter nodded and headed back to the hotel. He closed the door and took the drivers seat and Mom sat beside him. Dallas and I took the two seats behind them, then Kaia and Ryder and Hazel and Riley. We lifted into the air and took off. Dallas leaned over and whispered:

"Where are we going ?"

"Sion, the Elemental world" I whispered back. She nodded but I can tell she had a lot more questions than she was asking. Sion was the third star to the left and straight on until you hit morning. It was little and red. It was hidden to human eyes so they could never find us. Dad steered to the left and headed straight towards the planet.

"I'm going to need everyone to fasten their seat belts . I have to hit turbo boot and we don't want anyone flying out there seat." My Dad said, chuckling. We all clicked our seats belts as he hit the turbo button. We blasted off so fast that Dallas passed out. I remember that used to happen to me the first couple times but I got used to it. Finally, we started to slow down and I saw the sunlight from our planet shining towards us.

"We're here!" Kaia yelled, happily. Kaia always loved going to our home planet. Everything was so bright and colorful. It was different but a good different. I always loved it here but with the circumstances of the danger, We couldn't stay and Kaia and I got sent to earth, where we have lived for five years. I watched as the ship flew across the buildings of Sion and all the people looking up rejoicing because the king had returned. Yes, My Dad was the king of Sion but his rein was almost over and I was next in line. Without Dallas, I couldn't take the throne and it would be given to the next male in line, My uncle. We couldn't allow that to happen. Mike didn't have the best intentions for our people only for himself. My powers aren't complete without Dallas. When I mark her then we both will be the strongest to rule the Elemental throne. I couldn't wait. I hate to mark by the end of the Summer Solstice, which was this Saturday. We had five days before that time. It was enough time to explain to Dallas what was going on. The ship landed in front of our castle and the back door opens. There were a crowd of people standing all around, cheering. I unbuckled and picked up Dallas, who was still passed out. My Dad went in front of me and waved to the crowd.

"Yes. The king has returned to take care of his people." He said, Smiling. The all cheered as we walked into our castle. The guards bowed as we entered.

"Nice to see you again, Your highness" They spoke. He nodded and continued walking in.

"Annalise! Ruby! Sapphire!" My Dad called. Our maids came running in, bowing at our feet. Annalise was tall, pale but had violet eyes and long black wavy hair. Ruby was named after her Ruby colored eyes but she was pretty. And last but not least Sapphire. She was the most beautiful of all. She long blonde curly hair that fell down to her waist and light pink eyes mixed with pecks of green. She was medium height, thin and her skin was flawless. As beautiful as she was, she wasn't my mate, as much as I wanted her to be. It didn't matter because Dallas had stolen my heart. She was more beautiful than Sapphire could ever be, if it was possible.

"Annalise. Take Dallas to the guest room. She needs to rest. Ruby tell the chief to get dinner started. Sapphire show everyone else to there rooms and get the guards to unload the ship." My Dad, ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness." They all said, bowing. Annalise reached to take Dallas out of my hands but I pulled back.

"Just show me the room and I'll carry her there." Annalise nodded and started walking. I walked along with her down the hall. I haven't been in this castle since I was six. I couldn't really remember the place that well. It was huge. So big that you could get lost in it. 3 floors, long hallways and more than 10 rooms and bathrooms including the tower. I walked down the hall and we turned right to a set of stairs and went up. Then upstairs was a dead end hallway with four doors. All rooms I suppose. We walked all the way down to the last door. Annalise took out a chain full of keys and unlocked the door. Inside was a plain red and brown room with brown rugs and red walls. The curtains were brown with a canopy bed in the middle of the floor with satin red sheets on it. I laid her on the bed and covered her up. Annalise lead me back out of the room and shut the door. I wondered how long it would be before she woke up.

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