Chapter 17 ❤

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LoveHate Thing Chapter 17

(Back to Dallas's pov)

I awoke to see an unfamiliar sights around me. I was laying in a bed with satin red sheets and I was covered in a brown blanket with flowers on it. The room looked vintage but it was ok. It was sort of plain with a brown dresser and a mirror and radio on top. There was a window to the left of it. I got up and went to the window pulling the curtains back. Outside were many weird shapes buildings. Some tall and skinny with big part at the top and other short and fat with a smaller part at the top. They were all different colors and the colors were bright. I looked like I was up higher than the people outside. The people also looked different than at home. The ladies had their hair in weird styles and the guys hair was either spiked up or slicked back with gel. I closed the curtains of the window and went into the bathroom. The bathroom was small and white. A white sink, shower and toilet. It wasn't too small but the perfect size for me. I liked the room a lot. Just simple and sweet. I walked out of the bathroom and to the closet. There were dresses with bright colors. Some short and some long. There were tons of shoes underneath. I closed the closet and looked in the dresser. The first drawer was pajamas and new underwear fresh in the pack. The second drawer was shirts and third was skirts, sweatpants and jeans. Everything was my size, surprisingly. I look in the corner of the room and saw my suitcase from the trip that I packed. Someone must have brought it in for me. I heard keys jingling in the distance and then I heard them next to my door. The door unlocked and a girl with sparkling purple eyes and dark black wavy hair. She was exotic looking but very pretty.

"Everything to your liking, Miss Brooke ?" She asked me.

"Yes, Thank you. And please call me Dallas. Do you have a name ?" I ask her.

"Annalise" She said. I nod.

"Um The King had requested your presence in the dining room for dinner." She also adds.

"Ok" I say. I was still dressed in my sweats from earlier.

"Maybe you should wear something more formal, Miss Dallas" Annalise tells me.

We ordered you some clothes by the sizes Prince Asher told us. There should be some dresses in the closet. I'll be waiting outside your door" Annalise says then leaves and shut the door. I go back to the closet and pull out a black dress that goes a little past my knees and some black flat shoes to match. I added a little sweater to cover my shoulders and let my hair down. After finishing, I step outside the room where Annalise was waiting for me.

"Follow me" She said, walking down the long corridor. Then we made a left, walking down a main hallway. I couldn't stop thinking about Annalise calling Asher a Prince. I needed answers. We made another left through a pair of double doors and inside was a huge long table with tons of chairs. Sitting down was Kaia, Hazel, Ryder, Riley, Asher and His Mom And Dad. Annalise ushered to sit down next to Asher. He smiles at me as I sit. My heart does a flip.

"Ahh. Princess Dallas. You look marvelous! How was your rest ?" Asher's Dad asked me.

"Good, thank you Mr. Kaye" I say.

"And your room?" He asked.

"Great." I say. He smiles.

"Good. Good. I bet you have some questions?" He asks. I nod.

"Nothing a little dinner won't solve" he claps his hands and waiters rush in with our plates. It was salad with chicken and Caesar dressing. The waiters also pour water in our glasses.

"So. Are you a king ?" I ask. Mr. Kaye laughs.

"Yes of course. Kaia is the princess and Asher is the Prince" he responds.

"Why am I here?" I ask. He sits back in his chair, sipping his water.

"Well, without you, Asher cannot take the throne. Nobody can take the throne without there fate given mate. We are not complete. Our powers aren't complete either. If You and Asher doesn't take the throne in five days then it will be pasted on to the next in line..His evil uncle and my brother Michael Vataio. Mike is trying to take over the Elemental world and take our powers. Without you, he will take the throne" He explains.

"So, I will have to rule this world ?" I ask. Mr. Kaye nods. I sigh. It was a lot to take in. I was their only hope at saving their world.

"What will this mean for me?"

" can almost never return to earth." I gasp and pull back from the table.

"I-I can't. My family. My friends. My whole life is on earth. I can't just leave and never go back." I say. I was confused and upset. I didn't know what to do.

"I know but a few hours here is a day there. The time is different. It would never work. You would find yourself missing things. Important thing and soon your life would in earth would be gone, Slowing wiping your existence."

"So, your saying nobody will remember me after awhile?" He sadly, nods.

"That's why we have decided to sell Kaye's and live out here full time. It's too much traveling back and forth. Too much time wasted." Mr. Kaye says, slowly. Mrs. Kaye reaches over and touches my hand.

"Sweetheart, it's a lot to think about so we'll give you some time. You have until the end of the summer solstice, which is Saturday. So maybe until Friday to make your decision?" She asks me. I nod, still with my head down.

"Can I be excused?" I ask. She nods and get up from the table and walk out. I'm almost to my room when I feel a hand on my arm. I turn and its Asher. I hug him and start to cry. He picks me up, carrying me to my room. He shuts the door and sits me on the bed. He wipes my eyes with his finger, looking into my eyes.

"We're not gonna force you to do anything you don't wanna do. It's your choice." He says. I sniffle and cross my legs. Asher runs a hand through my hair, still looking at me. Then he leans in and plants a kiss on my lips. I pulled him close and we start kissing more faster. He pulls back and looks at me again.

"We should take things slow. Back on earth, I made a mistake. I shouldn't have gave up on you like that. I shouldn't have pushed you away" I shake my head.

"I should have listened to you. All I could think about was you. My heart was telling me you. I ignored all the signs. I was stupid. I love you, Asher Kaye. " I say. He pulls me into his arms.

"I love you too, Dallas Brooke" He says, kissing me slowly but passionately. Asher pulls back quickly not wanting to take it further.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"We gotta take it slow. We can't have sex until I mark you but you have to make that decision to take the throne and your life changes forever. Until then, I should start by asking you to be my girlfriend." He says, smiling.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend Asher Kaye" I say, smiling. He kisses me again then gets up.

"Where you going?" I ask.

"I should probably go. You have to sleep. I'm gonna show you around Sion tomorrow." He says. I pout.

"Please sleep with me." I ask. He smiles then walks back over to my bed. We both lay down and I curl up next to him. He wraps his arms around me and I quickly drift off.

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