Chapter 14 ❤

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LoveHate Thing Chapter 14

Finally, We were in Venice, Italy! Everything was so beautiful and different here. Right now, we were on the tour bus, heading to the hotel where we would be staying. The hotel was huge and looked expensive! We had to room with our roommates, which was fine with us. Mari, Kaia, Hazel and I got our key. It was for room number 200., Which was on the 6th floor. We hopped on the elevator and headed up to our floor. After we got settled, we would be going sight-seeing. I was so excited. We made it to our floor and looked for the room number. Then my phone beeped.

Wesley: What room #?

Dallas: 200

Wesley: We got 210. Down the hall :)

Dallas: Yay! ❤

I was more excited about spending time with my boo. I really liked him but at the same time I had those feelings for Asher. I don't know why but he wasn't easy to forget about. We entered the hotel room and saw two big queen sized beds separated by a nightstand with a lamp on it. Then there was two brown dressers with four drawers and a flat screen tv on top of it. Then there was a bathroom with a shower and two sinks. The room was cute but kind of plain. Plain brown beds and plain white walls. It was ok though. We decided that Mari and I would crash together and Kaia and Hazel would sleep together. I unpacked my bags and put everything in the first two dressers. We all finished getting settled and now it was time to go sight seeing!

After sightseeing, I was exhausted. Everything was beautiful and we had dinner at an Italian Buffett. I had some pasta with cheese on top and French bread. It was really good and I was full. When we got in the room, everyone went to sleep but me. I was up checking my Facebook. Then a message beeped in.

Wesley: You up, beautiful ?"

Dallas: Yes

Wesley: Meet me on the beach in the back of the hotel in 10 minutes.

Dallas: Ok. What for ?

Wesley: To talk :)

Dallas: Ok ❤. I set my phone down and quickly put my hair in a single braid going down my back. I pulled on some sweats and a tank top with my converses. I also added a light sweater, just in case. Leaving the hotel room, was forbidden but nobody would know unless we got caught. I snuck out of the room and headed on the elevator. I quietly, slipped out of the elevator and out of the back doors of the hotel. The cool air hit my face and it felt good. It was dark outside but the beach was so peaceful and beautiful. Then I saw someone standing by the edge of the water. It was Wesley. He turned back smiling at me. I ran to him and crashed into his arms. He hugged me back, ruffling my hair. I pulled back, looking at him .

"Hey Dallas. " He speaks.

"Hi. What's up ?" I say. He looked worried.

"There's something I wanna tell you"

"What's wrong? What is it?" I ask.

"Well Well Well. Dallas Brooke. We finally meet" says a voice from behind me. I turn around and it a guy with two other guys next to him. The guy was tall, looked around 35 and was white. He had a beard and graying hair. The guys next to him looked like his body guards.

"Excuse me? Who are you?" I say, backing up to Wesley. The man grins.

"Mike Valatio." He says, sticking out a hand in which I didn't shake. He frowns and takes his hand back.

"How rude." Mike scowls, then slaps me so hard I fall to the ground. I look up, holding my cheek. His bodyguards pick me up and tie my arms up.

"This is the heir to the elemental throne ? She's nothing but a weak human!" Mike scoffs. I look at Wesley and he's not doing anything but standing there.

"Wha-what's going on Wesley?" I ask, looking at him.

"Everything was an act Dallas. To get you away from Asher. How could you not see that ? If you and Asher had got together then I would have failed my job and my master." He says, looking up at Mike. Mike laughs.

"I don't understand. What does Asher have to do with this ?" I say.

"Asher and his foretold mate are to gain the elemental throne. But not unless his mate is dead. If his mate dies then he does not get the throne, which makes Mike the next in line. I was hired from day one to pretend to like you so that I could bring you here to have you killed. " Wesley explains.

I could not believe this. The one boy I thought I loved wants me killed.

"What's in it for you ?" I ask him.

"When we get the throne, we will take over the elemental world and drain everyone of there powers. We will take over everything!" Wesley says. The guards still had a grip on my arms and I couldn't escape.

"Now our plan is in action. All we gotta do is get you out of the way" Mike finishes. Wesley grins and the guards start pulling me to walk.

"Where are we going?" I yell, trying to fight them but it was no use. They were too strong.

"Why to take you to the elemental world. We can't kill you here, we'll get caught." Mike says. They pull me to a empty parking lot with a only a black ship in the lot. It was big and looked like it could fly. He clicked something in his hand and the back of the ship opened up.

"Let her go!" I hear behind me. I look and it's Asher.

"Asher!" I yell, happily. Mike smiles at Asher.

"Hello, Asher." He says.

"Hello, Uncle." Asher says. Wait did he just say uncle ?

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