F I V E .

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The waiting was both frustrating, irritating and frightful.

Because of the momentum at which I hit him, it caused his body to fly and land head first into my windscreen before finally tumbling to a thud on the tarred road.

All this caused his brain hemorrhage and cause so much swelling, they were not sure he'd ever talk again. Somehow I doubt that.

Beside that is the fact that he has two broken ribs, a ruptured spleen and a fractured femur.

Because the brain injury was the most important, other surgeries were going to have to wait until the neurosurgeon was done before they can continue with him.

Except it calls for an emergency.

It's been ten hours since he's been shipped off to the theatre and the not knowing was killing me.

I had done everything short of pulling out my hair to distract myself but unfortunately his face contorted in pain seems to be the only thing that can keep my attention.

His skin pale as could possibly be despite his very dark skin. And how his bow strings shaped lips seemed to form a perfect 'o'. And the . . .

I stand up from the couch and walk towards the doors that lead to the surgery rooms. All intent on forcing one of the doctors to give me an update.

I'm stopped in my tracks by a young man in light orange scrubs.

The bleeding in his brain has been stopped and his spleen removed.

He's going to make it.

I heave a huge sigh of relief.

He's going to survive.

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