Liam the Hero

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Before the fame.(only for first chapter)

Liam's Point of view.

My heavy breathes awake me from my sleep, my body soaked in sweat. My hands tremble for my alarm clock to see the time.

I feel squished and claustrophobic. It's dark. Too dark. I sit up fast bringing my head into a rack of clothes; my closet.

My head is spinning in confusion as I re-think last night. Oh yes, we auditioned for the x-factor. Me, Louis, Zayn, Harry, Niall, and Justin.

We did wonderful according to the judges, well not all of us did wonderful...Justin was torn down by the one and only Simon Cowwel.

After that we came home to the orphanage and Justin served us all tea. Which is strange for him...very strange.

And that was it, nothing more, nothing less. We went to bed just as normal nights.

All of the sudden I hear a muffled scream come from the hall, bringing me back to reality. The scream repeats itself till I realize who it is...Harry.

Then Louis yells, and I hear a bang and footsteps. What the crap is going on?

I push on the door to get out but somethings in front of it. Not surprising. I ram my whole body into it with all my strength and fall on top of the door.

For the slightest second I hesitate running out of the bedroom.Whats out there? What will happen to me if I walk out?

I run out anyways, being the idiot I am. When all of the sudden I hear a deep yell from the kitchen, Zayn's yell. "Help me!"

I sprint towards the kitchen, scrambling around to find Zayn. "I'm in the pantry" he yells. The fridge is covering the pantry door, of course.

I use all my might to push it out of the way. Finally I move it enough for Zayn to get out. He gasps and falls coming out. "Are you okay man?" I bend down and help him off the floor.

"I'm fine,but I have no clue what's going on."he holds his chest to keep his breathing level.

"Listen mate, I heard Harry scream,and then Louis, and a bunch of crazy banging noises, help me search the house. We gotta see what's going."I explain.

He simply nods and we split, searching the house. After we search the whole house we meet eachother in the long vacant hallway.

I couldn't find any of them anywhere."Zayn sighs. "Wait, there's one place we didn't go."I turn my head looking towards the basement door.

"Yay."Zayn rolls his eyes sarcastically. "Come on, its our only choice."I grab his wrist and run down the hallway to the old basement door.

It's opened a crack, the still darkness daring us to come in. I start down the stairs, Zayn behind me. My curiosity has obviously got the best of me.

When we reach the bottom of the stairs, I begin to hear muffling sounds. "Do you hear that?"I whisper to Zayn.

"Yea it sounds like it's coming from under the stairs."he whispers back. I take a long deep breath and turn the nob slowly.

And then,it creaks open... "MMMM!"Niall imediately yells through the old cloth covering his mouth.

I turn my head to see Louis also tied up on a wooden chair. "Help me Zayn."I run up and begin to untie Niall as Zayn untied Louis.

The minute I take off the cloth Niall gasps loudly. "It's himmmm! It's Justin, he did this!"Niall yells a tad bit too loud.

"He's probably just playing,come on let's go find him."Zayn flicks his head and starts out the door.

Tragedy// Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now