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Goku's PoV

I wondered if this really was Ara this time. If it wasn't that wouldn't make killing them any easier... They looked scared, alone and confused.

She took a deep breath and looked down.

"No matter what I say, you've probably heard it from the other 'Ara's' right.. The fact that I miss everyone, I wanted to go home for the longest time..and...that I haven't been a hundred percent honest with you" she said in a low voice.

I was slightly shocked by what she said. Yes I had heard almost all those thing from the others but.. The last thing she said was new..

"Even if I'm going to die and even if you don't believe me I'm saying it. I'll miss everyone even more... No matter how much I try memories don't go ara so easily.. And.. I finally figured out I don't want them to. I remember when I was upset and didn't want to show emotions in front of dad I'd go to you, you'd take me somewhere far away and..we'd just talk till I felt better...and you could always tell when I was having an off day. And somehow you always made me laugh by doing the simplest of things.. Even when we were in the hyperbolic time chamber you were always looking out for me more then yourself..." She told me glancing at me ever so slightly.

Was she...

Suddenly she untied the bandana that was around her head. She looked at it sadly then gave it to me. At first I was confused.

"It was your dad's....I promised I'd give it you when he died..." She said smiling ever so slightly. I stared at it.

"Bardock..." I muttered under my breath.

Your a bit of a wailer aren't you?

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Your a bit of a wailer aren't you?

Remember me buddy?...

*chuckles* thats right little guy...

I looked back up at Ara.

"So that was you... Wasn't it?" I asked. She nodded.

"Do you believe me now Goku?" She answered smirking ever so slightly.

"Yes..but just to be sure I'm getting vegeta.. He wanted to ask you a few things"I told her. Her smirk turned into a look of confusion.

I sighed and got up. I left the room and saw vegeta waiting out side the door. I nodded once and he went in....I'm just hoping I was right..

Vegeta's PoV

I entered the hospital room to see the brat there. I saw my father's talisman on the desk but I didn't react to it.

"Father.." She addressed me respectively.

I didn't respond. I pulled up a chair beside the bed.

"Just ask the damn questions already.. There probably better then the shit I've been through.."Ara told me with a slight glare.

I sighed.

May I ask your name ?

I simply wanted to thank you for returning my knife, it was a gift from my father so I hold it dear to me

"I'm asking you two questions only my child would now. If you fail I'm guessing you know the consequences" I told her. She nodded simply and looked rather brave, but one of her hands was gripping the covers and shaking slightly.

"Fine..the first one is simple. Yet it seems every one of you that's come here has failed...what is your name?" I asked.

Ara looked confused by this. "What the hell? I think you'd know what my name is by now" she told me. I glared at her.

"Fine..the name you gave me was Ara Alexandria b...Breigh.."  Her seemed to look away from me when she said the last part as if she realised something. "I was always told it was briefs wrote it down as Breigh... And I never though a damn thing of it.." She muttered.

Oh god...either this was my child or..their getting smarter.. I didn't knoe which was better or worse.

As I was saying, thank you. Your one of the few people here to show me kindness and I am forever in your debt

If I did, it would make you a completely different man then you grew up to be....

I sucked it up and put back in a blank expression.

"And finally why?" I asked. I needed to know.

I weird glint lit up Ara's eyes for a moment.

"I..I.." She tried to speak but no words left her mouth.

Ara took a fistful of covers and sighed.

"dad...I..I didn't tell you who I was and what was going to happen, as much as i wanted to. I wanted to stop your suffering. The pain you had to go through till you got to a life with a home and family... But if I wouldn't.."she started crying.

I wanted to comfort her but I said nothing. After a few minuets she'd spent her tears and rubbed them away.

"You saw nothing....just kill me already.." She muttered.

I stood up towering over her slightly. She closed her eyes and her tail curled up waiting for an impact.

"Do me a favour..tell everyone I'm sorry for not being here.." Ara muttered. I raised my hand. She tightened up even more sensing me about to hit her. But I didn't. I picked her up, sat on the bed and hugged her close to me. I petted her hair calming her down. She seemed shocked by this but was undisturbed by my touch.

" did you.." She began began but I cut her off.

"Only my child would know these things...besides, what other person would risk life and limb for a stone and a piece of cloth that to anyone else would have no value." I said.

I could sense her smirking.

"Father...could I see everyone else now please...I'm tired..I want to see them before I fall asleep.." Ara told me tiredly.

"And I'm guessing your to tired to walk then? Cheater..."I muttered getting and beginning to walk to where everyone else was.

"I'll take that as a compliment dad..." She replied.

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