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Goku's PoV

I saw Ara come downstairs.

"you ready Ara ?" I asked. She nodded.

"We'll be back in a few hours ok?" I told chichi. She nodded nervously.

I took Ara's hand and teleported us to kami's look out.

She looked around in awe. "Oh my god..kami..i really don't know anymore but wow!" She said. I laughed a bit.

"So any guesses what I'm training you to do yet?" I asked. She shook her head.

" may take a while but I'm going to teach you how to go super saiyan" I told her.

"Your pulling my leg" she said. I shook my head. Suddenly she tackled me onto the floor with a hug.

"You're amazing!!" She practically screamed. I smiled and ruffled her hair.

"Ok, so first I want to see how strong you've gotten" I said getting into a fighting stance.

"Umm..ok?" She said confused. She got ready.

She suddenly teleported behind me and kicked me in the head.

"Good shot Ara..your strong and disciplined but..i can tell there are a few things bothering you"I said pulling myself off the floor.

"What are you on about?" She asked.

"Ara you can't tuck whatever is happening in your head forever" I said.

She crossed her arms. "Still not a clue what your on about goku" she replied.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really? Seeing the deaths of me and vegeta even though you weren't alive when they happened. And many other things I do not wish to mention." I said. She growled.

"shut up!" She shouted. I saw lighting sparks go off her for a second and her eyes momentarily go green. She suddenly charged at me. But she froze. Her pupils shrank.

"Trunks.." She said. She suddenly flew off before I could ask her what was wrong.

Ara's PoV

Damn it..where was he. I landed at his school. I was late. Mom would kill me. But that was the least of my worries. Trunks's life force was faint.

"Trunks?" I called out. No answer.

"If this is a joke trunks I swear to god!" I shouted. Still nothing. I went out to the yard.

My heart stopped. "Trunks!" I said in alarm when I saw him seriously injured and unconscious on the ground. I ran over to him and went on my knees.

I held Him up slightly.

"Come will be worried" I said shaking him slightly. No answer. I hugged him. "Please wake up..I can't loose you.." Tears slowly fell from my eyes.

"Oh so the useless monkey can cry" I heard a familiar voice say. I glanced. It was jake, Phil and mick. I glared and the went back to checking trunks. I put my head to his chest. I heard a heart beat. I gave a sigh of relief. I took off the top portion of the fighting outfit goku gave me to make trunks a pillow to lie down. Leaving me with my blue shirt, pants and boots.

"The hell do you want ?" I asked.

"Well that's simply. We wanted to make some extra cash so we led you here" jake told me.

"What?"I asked. They simply laughed.

Suddenly jake came over to me. He caught me off guard by kneeing me in the stomach. He then held my hands behind my back and grabbed my hair making me look up. Mick and Phil started to to kick trunks' unconscious form. I saw his power slowly drain.. Then I couldn't sense him, despite him lying in front of me.

"Aww, looks like the perfect boy is out" mick  mocked me. I saw sparks come off me but I ignored it.

"Don't touch him!" I yelled.

" mean don't do this!" Phil yelled kicking trunks in the head. I screamed in fury.

Vegeta's PoV

The woman had been nagging me to check up on the two at school. So I did. And what do you know, I can't even find them. Suddenly i sensed a high power level. I flew to where it was. There was a bright light. Then when it cleared I saw..was that Ara?

Her eyes had gone bright green

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Her eyes had gone bright green. Her tail and hair gold & her hair spiked up like mine. And an aura of light was coming off her.

"What the..lets get out of here guys!" A boy shouted. I remembered him from Ara's first school. They ran like cowards. I was tempted to shoot at them But I shrugged it off. I flew down. She's done it...and so damn quickly too. She went over to trunks. He was covered in injuries. 

Ara hugged him. I raised an eyebrow. Her aura intensified. This time when it cleared trunks' injuries were gone and Ara had them. She stood up, wiping blood off her lip. She handed me trunks. Then put back on the top portion of her fighting uniform.

"Take him home..I probably won't be there for a while" she said and she left.

What the hell is she planning..

Sorry, short chapter -.-

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