Truth hurts...

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(Btw when I put something -like this- it means it's telepathic talk)

Ara's PoV

I charged at him. We both only missed each other by a few inches. My saiyan rage growing.

"Infernum!!" I screamed at him. As I was in ssj mode it was a lot larger then normal. It hit his tail,taking a large chunk out of it. I smirked.

"'ve gotten stronger since I last saw you.." Rayne muttered.

"Anger is a good determination" I answered simply.

"Or maybe it's your birthright showing through" he told me smirking. I growled.

"Shut up!!!"I screamed punching him, knocking him away and onto the floor. My knuckle was bleeding because of his stupid scales. I rubbed it off my armour. I didn't care how much injuries I have. I'm getting back to goku and dad. They need to have these. I don't even care anymore, if I die as soon as I get them to them.

I flicked my tail in annoyance. He got up and charged at me. He pinned me to the floor with his forearm across my neck.

"Except it brat! Even if you win and I don't get you, your a weapon! Every person in the universe wants to get their hands on the universes most powerful brat!" He told me.

I growled. I kneed him in the gut. I buckled over and I slipped away from him. I rubbed my neck and caught my breath.

I stared at him. What little bit of sympathy I had left was showing. He was pathetic and I didn't want to harm him anymore.

He looked up and me still holding his stomach.

"Wh..why aren't you f..fighting?!" Rayne asked.

"I'm not killing something so pathetic. I may be a pure blood but I somehow still have sympathy..." I muttered.

He started laughing. I felt my power draining...shit..stupid..injuries..

"Your father right. You really are a weakling. You have now right in to be in the Breigh family!"he yelled at me, looking up.

"Who the fuck is Breigh?" I asked. I had literally now clue.

He smiled evilly. "You really are and idiot! Did that pathetic excuse for a father not even tell you your real last name?" He asked me.

My curiosity peaked. "The hell are you on about? I understand the whole weapon thing but why do I get the feeling you know more about me then I do?" I asked slowly walking towards him as my hair returned to normal and my eyes went back to there normal purple shade.

Weirdly a breeze swept through the darkness,sending the ends of bardock's bandana to flow gently at the sides of my head and the Kings talisman to float of my chest momentarily.

"Your..the heir to your fathers throne..the heir to the Breigh line. And as the legend said 'the final daughter of saiyan race will be hell incarnate'. It looks like that wasn't just a stupid legend after all" he said. The breeze picked up a bit but I kept walking over cautiously,ignoring it.

"From the day you were born your father knew you fate. Why do you think he was so damn proud when he found out you had a tail? Everything he's done for you, his training, his care, his love, it wall all to cushion your decent to being the cause for the worlds end..." He told me standing up. I stopped a few inches away from him. W..why did I feel like..he was telling the truth...

Rayne smirked and laughed a bit."I see that look on your know I'm right kid. I can end your suffering..Come on, just shake my hand" he extended his hand to mine. Unconsciously my hand went to do the same. The weird breeze intensified.

I felt a hand. One on both of my shoulders. The talisman hit of my chest and the bandana end landed on my shoulders.

-don't do it kid-


-I wouldn't want my grandchild to die so young-

King vegeta..

My hand stopped. I glanced at my right shoulder and saw one hand with a red cloth vambrace, and on my left there was a gloved white hand. I looked back at Rayne. He couldn't see them.. I must be going mad..

-don't..please- bardock told me.

"Come on brat, just say yes" Rayne told me.

King vegeta's grip tightened on my shoulder.

-the truth hurts... I never wanted this for you..if I knew who you were when we met maybe this would have never accrued...I apologise Ara-he told me.

-I..I..- I couldn't think of words. Then I got an idea. I took a deep breath and exhaled. I started challenging all my energy into my extended hand.

I knew I would either die or injure my self even more by doing this but I didn't care. I straightened out my hand so it was facing him. He looked confused. I smirked. I went ssj.

"Big Bang attack!!" I screamed as I shot the blast at him.

There was a large flash of light and I felt my body give out

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There was a large flash of light and I felt my body give out. Yet my smirk stayed in place.

I felt someone pick me up. I looked at them. It was bardock. And King vegeta walked beside him.

I went to speak but I was to sore to make words.

-thank you..- I told them. This mental with will come in handy..

-the hell are you thanking us for?..-the King asked.

-everything...- I answered. They both looked at me confuse as they continued to walk into the abyss.

-where..are you taking me?..-I asked weakly.

-it's a surprise..- bardock told me.

-yes..just go to sleep'll be there soon- King vegeta told me. I felt my eyes fall closed as I snuggled up closer to bardock. Then I felt darkness take me...I dreamt of home.

Don't worry guys

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Don't worry guys....ill be there soon..I..promise...

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