Ch. 26 -- Aquarium

Start from the beginning

        I hear some laughter behind the closed door and then everyone piles into the library, giving me a small touch on my arm or giggling at my sudden outburst. I roll my eyes as William tells me they have decided to take me out for a little bit to distract me on everything. Dean picks me up and buckles me into the car, he hands me a blanket and my horse stuffy as we pull out of Bobby's home with William and the rest of my brothers riding in the other car. Dean had decided that he did not want to leave his Impala at Bobby's place so he is taking it back home with us, me riding with him in the back seat. Just the two of us heading to someplace I don't know. I know that Dean put me in HIS car ALONE for a reason, I don't think it will be good.
"Dean? Why can't I sit up front? Nobody is there."
"Cause kiddo, you are way to small for sitting in the front seat, when you gain more weight we will talk."
I don't feel good, my stomach hurts so bad right now its not funny and Dean is not helping with the loud music.
"Turn down this stupid music!" I yell from the back
        Dean turns in his seat and stares at me when he stopped at a stop light, he raised his eyebrow and gives me a stern look. I cower in my seat and hide my face behind my blanket, softly crying. Dean dials William and tells him we are going to the suite while they can go to surprise without me. I cry even harder at that point, knowing that I will not be going to the surprise because I had to yell out at Dean. It's not fair! At this point, I don't care how much more trouble I am going to get into, I am already not going with everyone else. I started to throw my fists against the leather seat and kick Dean's seat hard. We had just arrived at the garage of our suite building as Dean gets out and opens my side of the car door, grabbing me and giving me two hard *SMACK SMACK* on my bottom. I screamed and cried harder, gripping his shirt as he slams his car door and carries me to the suite. When we arrived, Dean sets me down on the sofa, I'm still crying hard as he hands me a cup of water. I drink it and look up at Dean who is staring at me.
"You done?" He lifts his eyebrow again, giving me his famous angry stare.
I nod my head and sit there, hiccuping.
"I have brought you here to punish you for your actions last night. Running off with the other two, knowing you cannot leave the house and you can't walk. Giving our brothers a bad scare as well. Now I know it wasn't your fault, Vanessa and Cody were already punished this morning while you were sleeping."
        I nod my head and crawl on Dean's lap, laying down so I am ready for my spanking. Dean pulls down my pants and starts to spank me hard, good thing he left my undergarments on. He spanked me twenty times with his hand, when he noticed me crying hard and barely breathing, he lifted me up and hugged me tightly. I cried into his chest as he rocked me back and forth. He layed down and set me on top, hugging me close as we fell asleep.
What felt like maybe an hour later or so, Dean's cell phone went off. He reached for it and grabbed it off the coffee table, answering the phone call.
"Hello? William,....Yeah we took a nap....She was a good girl, didn't fight at all....Let me change her and we'll be on our Yeah, I will...Ihop? Got it...bye."
        Dean stands up and walks to my room, taking me with him in his arms. He lays me down on my bed and starts to change my clothes into some jeans and a shirt that matched his. Yeay! Twinsies with my big brother today! I giggle as he tickles my stomach,
"There ya go, kiddo. Ready for some food?"
        I nod my head and we head for the car, then head to Ihop to meet the rest of our family. Dean carries me to the table and sets me down in between him and Cody, Vanessa sitting in front of me. Cody turns to me and hugs me, kissing my cheek.
"We weren't going to leave you today, Vi. We only went to the mall and looked around for the past hour and a half. Here, I got you a coloring book and some crayons!"
"Thank you, Cody..I love you!"
        I took the book and started to color in a dancing group of ballerina dogs. I giggled as I colored one of the dogs pink. The waitress came to our table and set down drinks for everyone, I got a glass of milk.
"Are you ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?" She replied with a bright smile
"We are ready thank you. I would like the vegetable omelet with hash browns." replied Dean.
Everyone around the table ordered food except me, Dean only ordered an extra plate. I didn't mind, I have been eating less and less lately. When I finished my picture I noticed that everyone was talking and laughing. The waitress came again with our food and left after everyone started eating. Dean grabbed the extra plate and put some of his omelet on it along with hash browns, William gave me a piece of his pancakes and Sam gave me half of his fruit. I ate the food placed in front of me and giggled as Dean pretended to grab some of my fruit. After eating, we all piled into the car, I was riding with Dean again.
"Where are we going?" I asked timidly
"It's a surprise. Here, play while we drive." Dean hands me his phone to play with an app game.
        We finally arrived and Dean lifted me up and shut his car door with is foot, grabbing his phone from his hands. I look up and pout at him, until he 'pops' my nose and squeezes it. I sneeze and slap his hand away, looking up in the process. I notice we are at the aquarium and start to yelp with joy as my older brothers laugh at my reaction. William paid for the entrance fee as we enter the large room, running up to us to catch up after he had finished paying. It was set up so we would be walking in a tunnel made of hard glass so we can see the water and fish. Each room is connected by a short hallway with chairs and a bathroom for a break in between tanks. The first one is a shark tank, fresh water sharks, ranging from large to small. They had big fish alongside with them, I squealed in excitement as the sharks kept swimming past us and over us. Dean inches closer to the glass so I can put my hands against them. A huge shark swam really close to the glass and I yelped with fright as it popped out of nowhere, but then I put my hands on the glass and giggled as I imagined touching it through the glass. William snaps a photo of me doing that and then kisses my cheek afterwards. We went through two more tanks, one contained huge fish, 8 feet or longer in length and long eels and seahorses while the last tank had all the freshwater fish that lived in the deep, it was dark when we entered and we saw a lot of weird looking fish that looked as if they were morphed, haha.
        We decided to take a  short break before we enter the three last tanks containing the salt water fish, I went to the bathroom with Vanessa and we giggled and talked about the awesome yet weird fish we encountered. I know that her parents will be picking her up today, they are arriving from the plane in an hour and will pick her up from here, its sad to see her go but she told me she would visit whenever she could, which would be soon I hope. We go back into the waiting room to see my brothers waiting for us, then Dean picks me back up,
"Did you walk slowly for me? I only let you walk into the bathroom alone because you had Vanessa and your legs need to stretch even though they are weak since you haven't used them." Dean asked me
"Yes sir, I did. They felt wobbly which was funny since I kind of felt like I was underwater! But I didn't fall."
        Dean kisses my nose as we make it through the first salt water fish tank. This one had a lot of sharks in it, the great white sharks, a hammer head shark, six-gilled shark and so much more! We took a lot of pictures and went to the second tank which had a saltwater crocodile with a lot of fish. The second half of the second tank had dolphins in it! The huge tank is separated so that the crocodiles don't mess with the dolphins. We watched the dolphins for a long time and the last tank we went through was the deep water fish again, but these guys were super weird, one fish had long teeth and an antenna hanging from its head.  After the fish tanks, we went exploring in the gift shop. Vanessa bought an awesome mood ring and a dolphin stuffy as Dean bought me a cool fish shirt and a shark stuffy. Vanessa's parents found us wandering in the lobby after we had gotten our stuff and Vanessa kept rambling on about her trip with us. She gave all of us a hug and promised me she would text me since the car ride would be long and dreadful. The 'adults' talked about other stuff, I think maybe it was on Vanessa's behavior last night and her punishment this morning since her mother gave her a death glare and about the money they gave my brother for her.

        We arrived back home some time ago and Cody and I were coloring in our new fish coloring book Sam bought us at the aquarium. William had gotten an idea to make fish for dinner, his special Latin dish which is my favorite. I can walk a little bit now, it still hurts so I have to have something to lean on and it can't be for long periods of time. I get up slowly and wobble into the kitchen, William has his back turned to me so when I whisper his name he screams loudly and almost knocked off the pot of long peas. I start laughing as my brothers scramble into the room, expecting something worse to be happening since our eldest yelled loudly. They saw me and started to laugh after I told them I scared him. Sam picks me up and starts heading to the bathroom,
"I think it's time for someone's bath. Before dinner so you can sleep easier after your all stuffed with William's fish."
        Sam tickles my tummy as he sets me down to run my bubble bath. I take off my clothes and with a little help from my big brother, I get into the tub to play with my shark and dolphin. Sam leaves the door open as he goes into the kitchen to keep an eye on me. I can't believe that we went to an aquarium! I love fish and animals, seeing all those different types of fish was amazing. I wish Vanessa could have stayed, her parents seemed upset when they picked her up, I'm guessing its because of the family emergency they had to deal with. Tomorrow I will go to see my psychiatrist, I have so much to tell her! I am still shaken a little from last night, I really thought there was a ghost at Uncle Bobby's place. It didn't sound like a cat walking around, it actually sounded like somebody hit something hard, something a cat cannot do so loud. I jump a little as Dean walks into the bathroom, knocking on the door to grab my attention.
"Ready, sweetie? Did you wash?"
         I nodded my head slightly and rinsed the rest of the soap off my hair. Dean grabs my towel and wraps me in it as I stand up, then he carries me to my room. I finished getting dressed as Dean watches me, yet he looks like he is staring off into space.
"Huh? Yeah? Sorry baby, do you need help?"
        I nod my head and reach out for him. He picks me up and we head into the dinning room where William is yelling for everyone to come eat. Everyone is eating gradually, but after five bites of my food, I cannot seem to finish anymore. My stomach starts to turn and push up the little food I had managed to eat. My stomach acid is acting up and I don't even recall eating anything spicy or caffeine. I tug of Damon's shirt sleeve and whisper to him that my acid is getting worse. He hands me some water and grabs a banana, cutting it up and giving it to me in bite sizes to eat. I finish my water and banana as William picks up my untouched dinner, putting it in the microwave for me to eat later. I am set down on my bed with Damon, we cuddle as he turns the tv on to a movie, Frozen. Half way through the movie my tummy starts to growl, begging for food. Damon starts to chuckle as he calls out for William to hand me my leftover food. I am so comfy here, laying on Damon's chest as we watch my favorite movie, that I had convinced William to let me eat in my bed, of course with a strict 'No spilling' rule.
"Damon? Can I ask you something?"
Damon turns his body to look down at me, "Sure, babe. Anything."
"Am I a burden to the family?" I bury my head in his chest as my face starts heating up.
"Look at me." Damon demands, but I keep my head in his chest. He starts to get impatient and lifts my head up with his hand, "You will NEVER say that to any of us again! You are most certainly not a burden to any of us! You make our lives fun, exciting. Without you, we would all go crazy! None of us can even think of you not being apart of our lives. I can talk for behalf of all our brothers when I say you are apart of us all. Do you understand?"
        I start to cry a little as I realize how dumb of me to think my family hates me, of course they don't! I mean, they are doing everything for me know, if they hated me would they carry me everywhere? Or take me baths? I smile and nod my head.
"Good. I love you so much, Vi. Now try to get some sleep." Damon kisses my forehead and sets my empty plate on the nightstand. I close my eyes and soon fall asleep in my big brothers arms.

~~~~~~~~~~Third-Person POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        William enters Vi's room to set her 'new' wheelchair next to her bed so she can use it in the morning. He notices Viviana had fallen asleep on Damon's chest and so had Damon. They looked so adorable together, older brother holding little sister like if he were protecting her from all the bad dreams in the world. Vi would make a small noise with her throat and Damon would unconsciously tighten his grip on her. William takes a photo of the precious moment and turns off the tv, closing the door on his way out. He finishes cleaning up the kitchen and then goes into the family room to relax a little bit, but he notices that Cody had fallen asleep on the sofa. He picks him up gently, laying him in his bed. Cody already has his pajamas on, so all William did was cover up his body with his bed covers and gave him a small kiss on his forehead. He shut the door to his room and then went back into the family room to watch the 'Premios Billboard de la Musica Latina' on tv.

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