Chapter 48

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Denis POV
It's been a while since the interview with Bryan Stars, he already published it and tour is almost over, there are only a few dates left.
We instantly knew when Bryan published it because my Twitter literally blew up (and Ben's too of course). Fangirls tweeting that they knew it all along that we would end up together, people saying that it's no surprise that I'm gay and of course people calling us faggots.
But most of our fans support us, our relationship, and they are the ones that matter.
We got hate even before they knew and one has to learn how to deal with it or you won't get far in this industry.

At first I got worried about Ben, how he'll take it, after all he had a past with things like this, but we talked about it and he swore he is doing good, so I believe him, also I'm glad he is taking it well.
There aren't just negative comments, not only homophobic people hating on us, there are also all these fans that support us, plus all our friends and of course those are the ones that matter.
Since people realised that we are a real couple, they wanted to talk about it in every interview we gave. Not only how it effects the band but also how it is to be openly gay in this scene. Of course we answered truthfully, answered that it isn't a big deal at all, that there are only few people who don't support us and we didn't get along with them well before either.
The only thing that really changed is that people aren't comfortable at all with interviews with us anymore.
The problem is that they didn't even like our (especially Ben's) humour when they knew (or thought) none of it was for real. Now that they know that at least not all of it is a joke, most interviewers are very uncomfortable with interviewing us. Not that they are uncomfortable with us talking about our (gay) relationship but more with us making all these jokes about gayness, us talking about sex with each other; I think they just can't tell if we're joking or not and that makes them uncomfortable.

Because the end of tour is near, moving in with Ben is near, too and I gotta say I'm pretty fucking excited about moving in with Ben. Of course one could say that it's not a big deal because we're almost always living together on tour anyways but it is a big deal for me.
Sure, it doesn't effect us as much as it would most other couples, but that label is still the same, Ben and I are living together. We share the same address, the same bed, the same house, Ben is going to be my home and I'm more than stoked for that.

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