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So because for some reason I hate author notes at the end of a chapter I'll add something here and If you actually care what I have to say about everything that I wrote up to this point you can read this (I will appreciate that) and if you only want to read the story, just skip this chapter.

First of all I want to thank you for reading up to this point, I didn't think someone would enjoy reading this, just thought If I'm going to write a fan fiction, I'll give it the opportunity to be found. Let me now what you think of everything that I write, if you like it and if you got any ideas how to improve something or even want a specific scene to happen, just write a comment or message and I will consider it and most likely use it if it fits the story line that is in my head.

I want to thank @TanjaK7 and @iamcalledjoelle for putting up with my bullshit and helping me whenever I am too stupid to know how I want to write something or just too stupid to write in general 😂😂

I kinda just had the idea of Ben and Denis kissing and afterwards Ben gets this major amnesia, making everything even more complicated so I thought about it again and more and eventually came up with the rest of the story. Again, if you have an idea of a funny, cute or somehow else good scene submit it to me because I think I lack them, especially lack ideas for scenes that happen on tour!!

I know there are probably a lot of filler chapters but because I want this to be a real story, kinda like a book, and no cliché fan fiction that is badly written and just drama after drama and just scenes that seem important because there is drama in it, I write a few filler chapters to stretch it a little bit and make it more realistic (:

Chapter 9, when I wrote Denis couldn't move because all or that sex they had the night before had my friend @TanjaK7 laughing while she was in the supermarket with her mom while I asked if this chapter is okay, and told me 'yes this is good'.

Chapter 10: fizzy drink
In an interview I watched, they asked the question 'soda or pop?' And Ben answered fizzy drink, so I thought, well you have to include this at some point.

The smut chapter. Yeah I know it is not really good written and I am not really content with it but it is the first time I write something like this and I'm still a virgin so don't judge me, I want to improve in writing these so I hope the next ones will be better (:

Open your heart, open your mind to a new world {Brustoff}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang