Chapter 14

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Denis POV
We went to one of our favourite bars to get our first drinks for the evening and to check the first girls out.
At that point Ben was still his normal silly self but as soon as we went to the second bar because the first one got boring, he started to get on my nerves.
"Doesn't he look hot" he would say various times and point at random guys.
Yeah. Maybe some of them even were my type but I only want him. He should know that.
I kept giving him death glares and he kept saying these things with a low voice so no one would notice.
Ben is having the time of his life and I am only drinking because if I'm totally wasted, maybe I won't bother Ben getting on my nerves.
Maybe that's not a good idea because drunk people always tend to be more aggressive but at this point I don't even care anymore.
"You have to admit that this guy there has really beautiful eyes" Ben slurs.
Yeah. Your eyes are a lot prettier though.
"Yeah, they're prettier than yours"
Maybe this will shut him up.
And Ben looks at me, startled at first, then kind of hurt and then, when he goes away, just cold, like he doesn't bother.
But I already noticed that he did bother.
Why would he say all those things?
Why would he point out all those hot guys?
And the most important question: why would he be upset over me, admitting that one guy is hot?
I shouldn't care about this.
I shouldn't care because Ben started it.
He was the one telling me how hot all those guys are, he was the one making me jealous.
And I guess he was also joking.
That would at least explain it.
That would at least explain his behaviour.
Shit. Now you gotta apologise, don't you?
I set my drink down and walk over to Ben, tapping him on the shoulder so that he can't ignore my presence.
"What do you want?" He snaps at me.
Fuck. Did I hurt him that much?
"I'm sorry...." I don't want to talk about it here, so I ask him if we can continue this outside.
"Yeah" Ben shrugs and walks out of the bar first.
"Okay you got a bit on my nerves..." I really don't know how to say this. "... With pointing out how hot you think these guys are you were making me jealous and I just wanted you to stop."
Ben's eyes soften, his facial expression shows me that I chose the right words because I can already see a tiny smile creep onto his lips. "Your eyes are way more beautiful than this guy's. You're prettier than everyone here, I just want you, Ben. And I really don't want to know how much guys you think are hot, I at least want to have the impression I'm the only one." I crook a half-hearted smile because I'm nervous right now. I told pretty much. Pretty much for normally not telling people how I feel at all.
I lean into the wall which I'm standing before and let my head fall against it, not really wanting to see Ben's face because of my nervousness but to my surprise he comes closer to me, there's not much space between our bodies left, and tilts my head so that I'm now looking at him.

Did he really think that?
Did he really think that those guys look as hot as him?
They don't even get near him.
They don't stand any chance against my Denis.
Denis looks worried, nervous, maybe because he really beliefs that I think all these guys are as hot as him or even hotter. Pathetic.
"You are the only one. You really think someone could even get near your level?"
Denis eyes lighten in surprise and happiness and I swear this is the most beautiful thing I've seen in my entire life.
I'm so caught up in the moment, in Denis eyes, maybe the alcohol that we drank plays a little part also, that I even kiss him, there on the spot.
I totally forgot that we were outside on the streets, that anyone could see, and I didn't care. This moment is just perfect.
We kiss, sweet and soft and then we kiss again, more passionate this time, my body pinning Denis' against the wall as I don't ask for entrance but instead demand it, possessing his mouth as if it were my property.
As I pull away gasping and with my head spinning, Denis walks back into the bar, leaving me alone for a few moments, before coming back with a bottle of, what looks like vodka, in his hands and tells me "get a cab, we're going home babe".
But instead of getting a cab, I just stumble further down the street, dragging Denis with me.
I lost sense of time somehow and sooner as I knew that bottle of vodka was empty and me and Denis were being quite pissed.

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