Chapter 13

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He looked kinda hurt as he went upstairs.
Did he look hurt or upset?
Or am I just imagining and overthinking?
"So... What are we doing today?" James asks, stopping my train of thought.
"What about a little band practice? You know, I just got my memories back..."
That's the truth. I still am a little bit nervous to play...
What if I forget everything again?
What if I blackout?
What if...?
"Yeah sounds good, let's go" Sam answers and gets up.
"I'm telling Denis" I inform Sam, Cameron and James before walking upstairs to find Denis. Half way up there I can hear Sam say "I think Denis was cooking something, I'll take care of that" and Cameron begging his 'mummy' to bring him a drink, causing me to laugh.

"Hey Babe" I say to him with a flirty voice while wrapping my arms around his waist and laying my head on his shoulder, standing that close to him, that the fabric of my shirt is the only thing between my chest and his back and watching what he is doing with his phone.
He mumbles "hi" back before throwing the phone away and leaning into me.
"Grab some clothes, we're about to go, we decided to have a little band practice because we didn't play together since that whole memory-loss shit..." I half whisper, half speak normal to Denis saying this and pull away afterwards to join the waiting guys in my living room.

Despite my bad expectations, band practice went really well. I didn't have any problems at all, it was like nothing ever happened. That eased my fear a little, the fear I feel for going on tour the day after tomorrow.

Since it is already late we decided to go get some drinks, maybe even get wasted today, tomorrow we all will be busy with packing our bags and the day after that we will be on tour, so this is the last chance of us getting wasted here, in our hometown.

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