Chapter 29

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Denis POV
"Do you think she has a crush on him?" Sam asks James, pointing over to Chiara and Ben.
"It's pretty obvious, don't you think?" James answers.
Chiara and Ben were making me jealous even before James pointing that out but now I am about to snap, they just drive me crazy.
"The more important question is if Ben likes her back" James then continues and I can't take this anymore, I get up and walk over to a pretty handsome guy who looks like he's waiting and bored out of his mind.
We are currently in the lobby of the hotel we are staying in tonight and, you guess, we are waiting too.
A few minutes pass, we chat a little, and then Ben plops down into the chair next to me.

He is making me jealous. He is fucking making me jealous with eyeing him that much.
"Don't eye him like that. You know you've got me" I want to be the only person he looks at like this.
"Well now you know how I feel all the time" he spats at me.
Denis did really say that? He knows I am trying!
I didn't even notice the guy he was talking to got up and left by now.
"You're too jealous. I tried! I tried to keep myself together, didn't you notice?" Right now I am really struggling to keep my voice down, I don't want everyone here to know what's going on.
Denis looks at me with a weird look on his face and in exact that moment, Chiara gives us the key for our hotel room. He looks at her with a death glare and she quickly walks, more like runs, away.
Denis and me go to our room quiet, me being very nervous about what he has to say, I'm still angry about him.
As soon as I close the door of our room He says "I don't want you to be friends with Chiara."
What the fuck?
"What did you say? I'm not sure I got that right" one more chance for him to say that.
"Yeah, you did. Look, you gotta be dumb as hell if you don't see that she has a crush on you. I don't like her. She's all over you, like, constantly" Denis stands in front of me with his arms crossed and looks into my eyes while saying this.
He really means it that way.
"But I don't have a crush on her! She's my friend for fucks sake and I'd like to keep it this way" I don't have to keep my voice down anymore so I don't. I don't care that other people might hear us shouting at each other as long as they don't know what we say.
"But I don't like it that way"
God why is Denis so stubborn?
"Don't you trust me?" I ask him and suddenly this room is too quiet, all my anger is gone and I feel nervous, nervous about what Denis will answer.
After a couple of minutes, more likely a couple of seconds but they feel like eternity, he says with a hoarse voice "I don't trust her" and as he pushes me out of the way, I can see the tears in his eyes. I grab his arm to try and turn him around but he wouldn't let me, instead he storms out of our hotel room, leaving me behind alone.
Well done, Ben.

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