Chapter 39

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Everything is perfect right now.
This tour is absolutely amazing, the shows just get better and better, on every single one the crowd gets so crazy and sings so loud that you just think it can't get better, and then at the next show you get proven wrong, they can get wilder.
Additionally, Denis and mine relationship is beyond perfect. After that argument over Chiara we had, I avoided her and soon after our surprise-coming-out  she left our tour bus for good, saying something about having to sort things out, well I don't believe her but I also don't bother.
We didn't have any argument since, well, tiny differences but none of them heated up, Denis explained his point, I explained mine and we found a compromise we both like.
This is great, it's a really important thing and you don't think about it, you take for granted that when two people love each other, it automatically works out but, unfortunately, very often it doesn't work out.
I don't have to worry in that point though, because Denis puts up with my personality very well, he seems to not have problems with it, If he would have problems with my behaviour, he would tell me.
It's actually hilarious that James is the only one in the band who's straight, we keep making jokes about him like he's the only gay guy, just like we did before, only now it's even greater. Another thing that is really fun because of James being the only straight dude, is that we often just say things like "it's a girl thing, you wouldn't understand" when he asks something.

"Can I ask you something?" Denis then suddenly brings me back to the here & now.
We're currently in our bunk, it's like 12pm (*A/N: I meant the one in the middle of the day, I always forget which one is midnight and which one is the other*) right now and we just woke up. Not having to get up early today, we decided to stay in bed and cuddle a while longer before getting up.
"You already did, babe"I answer him, trying not to overthink about what he wants to ask me and kiss the top of his head, which is resting on my chest despite him being a little bit taller than me.
Denis lifts his head up and rests it on my chest again, this time not with the side of his head but with his chin and looks in my eyes while saying: "The festival we play in two days, Harlot is playing too, you know that right? What will you do if you run into Danny?" I somehow notice the nervousness he said that with but I am not aware of it because I get somewhat angry.
"What is wrong with everyone? It was nothing personal, he didn't leave because he didn't want to be around me, around us anymore. He left because of the music!" I was tempted to scream this, to scream it right at his face, but I didn't. I said this sort of calm, more annoyed at the thought of Denis thinking this as well, there already are enough interviewer who ask about the relationship Danny and I now have. Yet I can see Denis' eyes watering and I instantly slap myself mentally for not just answering the question like a normal person should.
"I- I'm sorry, I-" I stutter, trying to apologise but get cut off by Denis mumbling "I know"
He tilts his head, laying his head on the side of it again and I can feel something wet on my skin, a tear obviously. Only now do I realise that he was a bit stressed the last few days.
You have to do something about that.
"What's wrong Denden? And don't try to tell me nothing's been bothering you" I softly say while wiping his tears away.
"Did anything, you know, happen between you and Danny?"

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