Chapter 26

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Denis POV
The next few days were quite normal. Well normal for touring, normal for Asking Alexandria touring.
After Ben explained to me what happened with Cam, that we almost got caught, we've been more careful. Sneaked around the venue of that day to have some time alone, don't just to have sex but just to be alone with your boyfriend, to kiss him, to tell him that you love him.
Having to sleep alone in my bunk for the majority of nights still sucks, even though I get less and less uncomfortable with it.

Someone opens up the curtain of my bunk, slowly instead of ripping it open, and clearly expects me to still be asleep because our tour manager, Kyle looks at me surprised before simply saying that I need to get up in the next few minutes because we have an interview scheduled before the show.
Hesitantly I get up and walk over to the bathroom to piss, but it is locked.
"Open up, I need to piss!" I shout at the person inside the bathroom, a little bit annoyed.
"Wait a minute" Chiara shouts from the other side of the door.
Fuck, she needs at least another hour.
I don't remember exactly how she got on tour with us, probably because I was pretty pissed at that time, but I assume that someone must've called her to party with us at the show that was near where she lives and probably someone asked her to tag along with us, to tour with us and obviously she said yes, otherwise she wouldn't be here.
But anyways I need to piss, so I quickly grab a hoodie and some pants and just go to the bathroom somewhere inside the venue.
When I arrive at the bus again, Chiara already left the bathroom with her normal make up on and is currently talking to Ben, all flirty. Ben being Ben, he of course flirts back, making me jealous.
I could deal with Ben's personality, even though it's a bit difficult sometimes when he just flirts with everything that has two legs, but the bigger problem is that we keep our relationship a secret, I know I said that I don't want anyone to know too, but I don't like being a secret and Ben flirting with everyone he is talking to.
Just be an asshole and act all bitchy one voice is telling me, you can just tell him that you don't like it, says the other one.
Being a good boy, I ask "could we talk in private for a sec, Ben?", not caring that Chiara is currently talking.
Ben looks at me nervously before answering a 'yeah' and walking out of the bus with me.

What does he want to talk about with me?
That I don't deserve him?
That he doesn't want to be with me anymore?
That he doesn't love me?
Nervously I ask him "what's wrong?" Once we're out of the tour bus.
"You're making me jealous when you talk to her like that" Denis answers shyly, looking at his feet saying this and surprises me.
Oh my fucking life, that's it?
That's everything?
He just doesn't like me flirting with Chiara?
I would do everything for him and that's the only thing that's bugging him?
"That's everything?" I ask back, still in disbelief.
"Ya know it hurts a little, being a secret and having to witness you flirting with everything that has two legs?"
Denis still doesn't look me in the eyes, indicating that he still isn't comfortable with saying this and I have to admit that I understand him.
Sure, he knows my personality and he kind of had to expect this, but I didn't think about what it would be like for him, after all I can't show that I love him with people around.
"I didn't think about this before... I'm sorry Den, I'll try change that but you know that you don't really have to worry? I don't want anyone else but you" saying the last part I couldn't stop myself from getting a pretty big smile on my face and Denis finally looks at me, his expression softening and even showing a little smile before saying "thanks, Benny, I needed to hear that"
Fuck why can't you kiss him now?
"You know I would kiss you now..." I make sure he knows that too, before going back inside the bus to grab my phone before heading to sound check and afterwards giving an interview.

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