Chapter 1

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Denis POV
As his eyes fluttered open a thousand emotions nearly drowned me but the most clear emotion, of course, was happiness.
"Oh my god you're awake" was all I managed to get out while Sam ran to get a nurse.
"Who are you?" Ben asked me and looked in my face with a blank expression on his.
"You gotta stop kidding me, I can't take this right now"
"No I'm not kidding you" he looked me dead serious in the eyes.
"Really. You gotta stop that I can't take this right now Ben" my voice was shaky, because I started to ask myself is he really serious?
"I'm not Ben... I'm-I'm... Who am I?" He stuttered with a broken voice as his expression showed blank fear.
I felt a tear rolling down my cheek the moment I realised that he didn't joke. He really didn't know. Didn't know anything.

I looked at Ben, he was smiling, more like smirking, at me and I knew he thought of our kiss so I wasn't surprised when I felt the heat in my cheeks turning them bright pink for sure.
I didn't even have time to really react because through the window on his left side I could see a car driving extremely fast, driving right towards us, driving right into us.
I blacked out, and as I came back to consciousness I felt a strong headache, pretty much everything of my body hurt. When I realised what had just happened I called towards the other guys "hey everyone okay?" Even though from my momentary position I couldn't even see their seats. I really hoped that they were okay and conscious right now.
"Yeah I think me and Sam just have a couple minor lacerations (just a wound of skin and tissue) and a concussion" Cameron answered me a few seconds after.
Ben. Ben hadn't answered.
I shifted so I could face him, ignoring the pain that shot through my left shoulder, desperately hoping he would be fine.
But when I saw him I just had the urge to black out again, and when I'd wake up this all would be just a dream.
But no, this wouldn't happen.
This was reality, and a really shitty reality. A reality in which Ben looked horribly. Blood was all over his body, and he wasn't conscious and I felt like Ben was really close to die. As my mind started thinking, processing the horrible images in sight, the tears started streaming down my face and as I was pulled out of the car, by a paramedic most likely, I felt way worse.
'Why would such bad things happen? Why right now? We just kissed, hell I didn't even think it was possible that he would kiss me back like that, with all that passion and seeming to mean this kiss as a kiss, and not just a Ben-gives-everyone-kisses-peck on the lips. And hell, we didn't even had a chance to talk about it, what if he didn't mean it that way? What if he just kissed me back because, well I kissed him, and he didn't want to make me feel stupid...' I didn't even realise the paramedic put me on a bare and set it in an Ambulance so I just continued with my thoughts 'But the worst: what if he meant it that way and dies?'
That was the last thing I thought before I blacked out again.

All this thoughts about losing him, losing Ben, losing my Ben, popped up in my head again. Just the second when I saw him, thinking he would die, I momentarily knew the worst thing that could happen. I know, it didn't happen, Ben didn't die, but Ben having total amnesia was nearly the same.
I still lost him.
I lost Ben.

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