Chapter 9

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Denis POV
Ben got his memories back yesterday, so it is obvious we would tell our band mates the good news.
I didn't do anything anything but lay on the couch and watch TV in the meantime because well, I hadn't been fucked for a long time, let alone this good. The second and third round last night definitely got to me, my whole body is aching, leaving me not wanting to move even one single centimetre. I remember Ben telling me, my body would be aching if we kept doing that and I remember me begging him to keep going. I think I'm blushing now, thinking about this.
It was worth it, though.
After all this time of being near him and not being able to be with him that way a lot had been accumulated.
Ben made us breakfast in bed and carried me to his couch before the lads came, told them something about me, I actually don't know what he told them, he couldn't tell something about me having a headache because with a headache I wouldn't be able to watch TV, but I honestly don't care, they believe whatever he told them so it's fine with me.
I can hear them talking over the TV, they are currently asking him questions about how he got his memories back, how it felt.
"I don't know... I just remembered... I just knew. There wasn't something like a flashback, headache or something like that. I just knew everything."
Yeah I witnessed that.

"That's... Kinda cool I guess?"Sam answers me, he sure enough hoped that I would've said more.
You're too nervous. You're too nervous about this. Calm down, they won't find out.
Shit, I'm definitely too nervous. But how couldn't I be, with Denis laying over there, not being able to move because of all that awesome sex we had last night. I can't focus on this conversation.
All I do focus on is not letting them find out about last night. Not going over there to cuddle him takes nearly every bit of concentration I own.
I just want to comfort him.
"You sure you're okay? You seem... Distant somehow"
"What?" I snap out of my thoughts. Of course I heard what James ask, it was just the reaction of being pulled out of my thoughts. "Yeah, it's just... I can remember even more than I was able to before"
Shit. Why did you say this?
"How about we celebrate you getting your memories back tonight?" Cameron asks me, clearly ignoring my last comment.
How about no?
"Honestly I think I'll just stay here... Denis is really suffering you know"
Okay this is as polite as you're able to tell them.
"He shouldn't watch TV if he's got migraine, you know that right?" I can't identify the look on James' face as he says that and I don't like it, but I do my best to ignore it, I'm laughing really hard on the inside because Denis is far from a migraine.
"Told him" maybe they won't get suspicious, hopefully they won't get suspicious.
"Well, we are going to celebrate tonight, wether you're with us or not." James states the obvious.
Wouldn't have been hard to guess.
"Mate you're boring like this..."
Yeah I know, I know I can't concentrate on our conversation.
"Yeah you should probably go"
All of us know this, doesn't make me happy though that I'm so distant towards them.

So they go, leaving me and Denis alone again.
"Really? Me having a migraine?" I hear Denis say in disbelief the moment the door closes.
"Yeah, why not?" I brush him off while walking towards the couch.
He doesn't answer as I join him, wrapping my arms around him, but snuggles his head in my neck.
At least now you're able to comfort him.

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