Chapter 10

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Denis POV
"Get your ass moving Benny, I wanna know what happens next" I shout towards the kitchen. Ben and me just had been cuddling and watching Netflix the whole time since the guys left yesterday, Ben wanted something to drink and left to get his beverage but I'm inpatient; we started a new show yesterday and I paused it because I didn't want Ben to miss something but I also can't wait to see how it continues.
"My ass is moving babe" I hear him answer just as he walks towards me with a soda can in his hands.
"A soda? That's what took you so long?" I ask him slightly pissed.
"It's a Fizzy Drink. And I had to piss"
I ignore that, deciding to drop this topic and answer "then move your ass here" while patting the spot where he laid earlier.
Just as he is about to sit down he trips over a pillow that had fallen to the ground and stumbles a bit, exclaiming "for fuck's sake" and tries to save his fizzy drink but only landing on my stomach instead.
I couldn't hold it back and now I'm laughing way too hard at the irritated facial expression he made while tripping, causing him to laugh too. I can feel his whole body shaking because he really is laughing that hard.
As I feel him shift a little bit, I look over to his face and our eyes lock.
This man's face is way too beautiful.

Denis' face is way too beautiful.
I tug at a strand of his hair, moving it out of his eyes, playing with my lip rings and then bring my face closer to his and kiss him.
It is one of these cliché moments where two people forget everything around them while kissing; the liquid that is oozing out of the soda can is bothering neither me nor Denis as he opens his mouth, allowing my tongue to enter and he moves his hip a little, just so that I'm now laying fully on top of him now.
Exact at this moment I hear someone fake-cough.
Shocked I look up to see a woman standing there, in the middle of my living room.
"What're you doing here Sam?" I instantly ask her, surprising myself with how quickly I react.
What the fuck is she doing here?
"Well, for starters I thought you have major amnesia, I still am the one for the doctors to call... So they called and I quit work as fast as I could and came here... Expecting to help you" A very emotional and shouting Samantha's voice cracked as she tries to overemphasise the word 'help' but continues anyways with "and not to see you having some quality time with your lover boy" at this point she is screaming right in our faces and I can feel Denis shifting uncomfortably underneath me, I hadn't bothered to get off of him, but now is probably a good time to do so.
Standing up and slowly walking over to her I try to calm her down but I fail pathetically, she's slowly backing off uncomfortably.
"I had amnesia. I just got my memories back two days ago, you know I'm just still majorly confused with all this?" Well the last part was a lie, but I hope this will make it a bit less shitty for her.
"So how long has this... between you two been going on?" Sam has a hard time saying this, I can see she is holding back her tears only from the way she is talking. I still know her pretty well. I also know the question that she wants to ask to but is too afraid to ask: is Denis the reason I wanted this divorce?
It hurts to see that this effects her this much, yeah I know she still loves me and yeah I still care about her, but unlike her, I don't love her anymore. If I were honest to myself, maybe I would know that I never really loved her; but that's not the point here.
"Honestly? For two days." I hope she believes me, I don't want her hurting even more.
"I hope that's true..." Sam lets her sentence trail off, stares awkwardly at the ground and I ask myself why she could believe that it isn't true.
"Why do you think I'd lie to you?" I am not just a little bit dumbfounded.
Sam doesn't answer and she's giving me that look.
Oh no, you know what she's thinking and you know why she thinks you could've lied to her also.
"Look, I- I couldn't tell you." I'm even dreading telling her right now. "I really can't imagine someone actually being okay with it..." I see her eyes softening while I mutter to myself: "... With me being bisexual." And I realise I didn't say that quiet enough, she must've heard me because she comes closer and actually hugs me and pats my back in an attempt to make me feel better. "I'm sorry, Sam... Could you... Please... Go?" I really don't want this to continue. "I- I just-" and there she goes, cuts me off with saying "it's okay Ben. I understand." She looks sad, somehow.
Shit, you didn't want this neither.
But she goes anyways, and I'm stuck here thinking about this fucking stupid conversation.

Open your heart, open your mind to a new world {Brustoff}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant