Chapter 2

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Denis POV
"We don't know what kind of amnesia Mr. Bruce has. We didn't expect him to have amnesia at all because his head injury didn't seem to be a severe one... Was anyone of you with him the whole day?" The doc explains and asks Cam, James, Sam and me.

"I was" I answer with a slightly hoarse voice, still shocked about the fact Ben doesn't even know who he is.

"Would you come with me please? We would like for you to talk to a psychologist, professional in the subject of amnesia"
The doc gestures to the door, and I absently walk through it, into the hall way.

"So you were with him the whole day? Did anything traumatic happen?" The shrink asks me and I have to concentrate to not zone out because of Ben's condition.

"Yes... And I don't really think so... We weren't doing something special... Just nothing..." I pull together some sentences because I can't seem to think straight. "But right before the car crash he signed his divorce papers" I then added, remembering I forgot something.

"That everything?"

"Yes. What about Ben's memories?. Will he get them back?" I ask nervously and this time I don't have to concentrate as much on him speaking because I really need to know the answer and don't have that struggle with zoning out.

"You have to understand, amnesia is pretty rare and we still don't know everything about it.
In Mr. Bruce's case there are a few discrepancies with the normal types of amnesia, but there are a few similarities with hysterical amnesia. That's the one where you forget everything, even everything about your identity. The thing is, that this kind of amnesia normally occurs when things happen the mind can't cope with, like very very traumatical things. But this doesn't explain the coma and a divorce normally isn't that kind of event what could trigger hysterical amnesia. The other kind of amnesia his has similarities with is traumatic amnesia, this one is more likely to be caused by a car accident, it's very likely to be caused by a hit on the head. The discrepancy with this amnesia is that we didn't classify his head injury this serious. The coma most likely was caused by blood loss, he lost pretty much blood, and not by his head injury. Also this kind of amnesia doesn't cause this much memory loss, Mr. Bruce would remember who he is or at least recognise himself."

"Wow okay... That's a lot to take in..." I mutter more to myself than to him before I ask "is there any chance he'll get his memory back?"

"Yes. Both types of amnesia are usually temporary. There is a good chance he'll get his memory back in a few days"

Hearing this answer I have to hold back the tears again. Tears of happiness this time.
Maybe Ben will remember I start to think
Maybe Ben will remember and everything will be okay.
Maybe Ben will remember and when he remembers he'll say he loved me the hole time and that's the reason he kissed me.
Purposely I don't think about the options what could happen if Ben won't remember or if he remembers and doesn't have any romantic feelings for me because I need to focus on positive things. If I don't focus on positive things right now I could break.
I really could break apart.
I already discovered I'm pretty vulnerable and fragile right now, so I just need to focus on positive things and everything will be fine.

Bens POV
After that psycho-doc-guy told me some shit about that amnesia-memory-loss thing I have, he left and another doc did a few tests on me before finally releasing me.
That Denis guy that seemed so upset that I can't remember him and the other one, Sam I think, took me in a car and said they would drive me home.
Home. Like I would remember anything of that house (or apartment?). "Home" is a weird name for it if you can't remember it, don't know anything about that place.
What does it look like?
Will it feel familiar or will it just feel foreign like everything else? Foreign like my reflection in the mirror. Wait. If even my reflection in the mirror doesn't feel familiar, why should my 'home'?
I quickly notice that I zoned out, as Denis, who sits on the other side of the bench in the back of the car, taps my shoulder and assures me "everything will be fine Ben"
God I can't... Can't he stop calling me that? I hate being called Ben... I don't remember being Ben, I don't wanna hear it in every sentence of this man.
And suddenly thinking about the content of his sentence I mutter to myself "at least one of us has high hopes"

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