Chapter FOUR

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"Marco… I think you’re too much," said Mario when they were on the way towards the locker room.

"Too much of?" Marco asked him as he looked down at his phone. That was the day.

"About the bet," said Mario again.

"The bet? Too much?" Marco chuckled at himself. “It’s not difficult to get info about Mesut. Just open the google, type his name and you will get everything about him,"

They stopped in front of the restroom. Mario grabbed the door handle and pulled the door inside. “But you seems to plan something,”

Marco laughed intentionally. “Plan about what? I’m not plan something,” he said when they were in the restroom.

"I don’t know, but your face say that," shouted Mario from the toilet. Not longer then, he got out and found Marco was leaning on the wastafel. “See? Your face," Mario pointed the mirror.

Marco smiled sarcastically, “i don’t, believe me,” said him as he walked to the door. Mario followed him behind.

"Ahhh.. I don’t believe you," Said Mario as he walked beside to Marco, adjusting his step.

Marco raised his eyebrows, staring at Mario for a while. “You againts me now?” Asked him, joking. Then he pulled the locker room door with his body.

Marco whistled as he walked to his locker. He put the bag on the locker and switched his clothes with his training suits. After finished with his preparation, he walked out from the room and went to the field, precede his friends.

Marco took the ball from the basket and started to practice his length shoot again. He ran, making dribble, and kicked the ball as long as he can.

"Mesut Özil, born in Gelsenkirchen on 15 October 1988. Plays for Real Madrid since 2010. His jersey number for Madrid is 10 and 8 for Germany. He is Turkish descent. His girlfriend’s name is Jeanne K, she is a model and also your friend.. Am i right?"

Marco stopped kicking. He turned his head around, looking at that girl who was standing behind him. “You ruin my training, you know?”

"I just want to finish it," said Gemma as she picked the ball from the ground and gave it to Marco. “Am i right?" She repeated her question.

"Yeah you right.. But i haven’t ask you my question," said Marco as he picked the ball from her, dropping it to the ground and kicked it away.

Gemma sighed, “what do you want to ask me?” She asked.

"How could you know that me and Jeanne are friend?" Asked Marco as he picked another ball from the basket and kicked it away again.

"She’s from Dortmund so you are. You were born in the same year. And because of Dortmund is not a very big city, so i think that you and her might be were in the same school before,"

Marco chuckled at her answer. He walked approaching her, “so you looked for information about me too?”

Gemma sighed loudly. She already expected how this conversation would be ended. Argue. “I looked for the information about Jeanne K, since you told me that i have to know everything about Mesut Özil,”

"That’s right, but that’s not mean that you may looked about me too, detective,"

"I’m sorry," said Gemma, giving way to him. She wanted to avoid the argue.

Marco smiled sarcatically. “So, since you are the good detective, please tell me where Mesut and Jeanne met,”

"What?" Gemma frowned.

"Where they met?" Marco repeated his question.

Gemma sighed again. She began to upset about the question. That was kind of a privat question, there was no article about that anywhere. How could she find out. “I don’t know,” she said.

"Don’t know? Why?" Marco frowned. He started to walk around her.

"You can’t ask your friends by yourself," said Gemma, raising her voice. “Jesus!! Are you enjoying yourself by playing me, stinky boy?"

"Don’t call me stinky boy, stupid!!" Marco raised his voice. “I’m not stinky,"

"And i’m not stupid,"

"Really?? Oh yes that you are stupid since you can’t answer my question,"

"What?? But..,"

"Stop!! I’m not in good mood to have an argue with you, blondy," Marco cut her words. Then he ignored her by ran chasing the ball and kicked it to the sky.

"Who the hell who start it?" Gemma shouted to him. But Marco seemed not hear her shout. “Crazy," she muttered, turning around her body and back to the bench.

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