Chapter TWELVE

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"In about ten minutes, we will landing in Manchester," the pilot's voice heard vaguely on Marco's ear, then the voices of his friends who laughed and talked began to sound. Marco rubbed his eyes and collected his consciousness. He fell asleep. He sat alone on his seat. At first as he recalled, Mario sat beside him, but now he was alone.

The laugh heard again from the front area. Marco looked around to find out the source. Apparantly it was Ilkay, Kevin, and Gemma who were chatting together. Marco didn't know what they're talking about, but they seemed really happy with their conversation.

"Manchester is always windy in October. You have to wear your jacket and scarf," said Gemma as she put the last bites of her bratwurst on her mouth.

"Are you a weather expert?" Marco interupted. He slurped his lime juice and returned to finish up his dine, acted like he didn't care about what she was talking about.

After did a little fighting as usual for chose the dinner place, finally they decided to go to Das Allegro, the american fast food restaurant. The restaurant didn't far from Gemma's apartment. At first Marco wanted to go to Bocconcino, the italian restaurant which was one of bvb players's favorite, but Gemma didn't want to go with him with his fancy Range Rover. Gemma chose the donner kebab at the edge of the street near her apartment, but Marco resisted on the grounds that he needed more nutritious food.

"Hey, i lived in Manchester for 18 years, i know exactly how the weather condition there,"

"I will wear whatever i want. You don't have to tell me about that, i already know," said Marco as he kept eating. "You think that i will wear singlet and boxer to Manchester?" he added and again he slurped his lime juice.

Gemma frowned heard his chatter. "I just gave you the information. It's up to you, i don't care if you wanna hear me or not, you wanna wear a jacket, a singlet, or even naked, why should i care?"

"What? Are you idiot?"

"Hey Marco," Mario's voice broke his memory about last night when he had dinner with Gemma. He came to Gemma's apartment to say thanks to her, but in fact, he couldn't say it obviously. He was too selfish to say thanks and too shy to admit that her food was delicious.

"What?" Asked Marco as he turned his head to Mario who was sitting right behind him. He didn't know how long Mario was there and called him.

"How do you feel?" Mario asked as he put his elbow on Marco's shoulder.

"Much better," Marco simply said.

"Hmm.. And since when you like to watch Gemma?" Mario giggled.

"What?" Marco moved, made Mario's elbow fell down from his shoulder. "Who the hell who watch her?" he denied quickly.

Mario coughed deliberately. "Really?? I think you stared at her since you didn't hear how many times i've called you,"

"I just woke up, okay? I still collect my consciousness, there's nothing related with her," Marco made a reason. "How many times you called me?"

Mario gave him three of his finger without said a word. "Hey, I think you should thanks her," said Mario as he put his hand on Marco's shoulder and used his chin to point Gemma. "Papa Klopp didn't want to bring you earlier, but she told him and made him sure that you'll be fine after one day rest,"


Marco stepped out from the plane and walked alone towards the airport main building. He ignored the cameramen and reporters who shouted calling his name to get his pictures, he just focused himself to the music he heard on his i-pod and also Mario's words. Gemma made Papa Klopp sure to bring him to Manchester. Was that right?

Marco made his step faster when the wind blew so hard on the runway. She was right, Manchester was windy and felt a bit more cold than Dortmund. Maybe it wasn't a mistake to listen to her occasionally eventhough he didn't want to do it.

"Welcome home, Gem," said Ilkay and his voice made Marco turned his head to them. Again he saw Ilkay, Kevin, and Gemma were chatting together as they left the airport main building towards the bus team. Marco turned his head again, made his way to the bus which already waited for them at the parking lot to take them to the team hotel.

He got into the bus and took a seat beside Mario. He rested his head on the head-seat as he watched his teammates and crews got into the bus. He felt his heart beat a bit more fast when he saw Gemma got in with Ilkay behind her. And it seemed that Ilkay helped her to bring her pink travel bag and they sat next to each other. He kept his eyes on them, watching they shared a joke and laugh. He felt upset of it, that scenery in front his eyes bothered him.

After having trip for about fourty minutes from airport, the bus drove entering parking lot of the hotel where they would stay in Manchester. Marco peeked to the outside of their bus through the window beside Mario. He could see the fans, reporters, and cameramen gathered around the hotel, waiting for their arrival.

The fans started to shouted their name, when the bus door opened. One by one the bvb players got out from the bus towards the hotel lobby. Marco dragged his small luggage, make his way to enter the hotel. He joined with the others as they waited for check in. As far as his eyes could see, again he saw Gemma and Ilkay walked together entering the hotel. He didn't know but his eyes didn't want to stop watching her. Her laugh, her smile, her voice. She was really annoyed him. Mario's words suddenly popped again in his head. 'Gemma told Papa Klopp,' That girl. She was really smartass. Marco sighed loudly and he walked approaching Gemma who was talking with Ilkay and the other players. 

"I need to talk with you," Marco said. He grabbed Gemma's arm and took her away from them.

"What's going on with you?" asked Gemma, surprised by Marco's sudden action. She tried to release her arm, but Marco grabbed her tightly. 

"Hey, did i ask you for help?" asked Marco with exasperation as he released his grip roughly, made she pushed a bit to the back.

"What are you talking about?" Gemma asked him back. She rubbed her arm which felt pain because of Marco's grip  and upset by his action.

"Who told you that you have to make Papa Klopp sure about my health?" He snapped but in whisper. He still could control his voice so  it didn't attract the attention of the others.

"Has a problem with that? If i didn't talk to Herr Klopp then you would  stay alone at you apartment right now,"

"So now i have to say thanks to you? Don't you think that i will give you a praise or a big thanks for what you've done, Wes,"

Gemma chuckled at his words. This bastard. She had been nice to  talk to Herr Klopp about him, so Jurgen Klopp agreed to take him. She did that because she knew that Marco really wanted to play against Manchester, and that was why he even had to hide his health condition. Gemma didn't expect that Marco would say thanks to her. She knew him. She just hoped that Marco could act more normal at her, so they didn't need to argue for something not important. But apparantly this guy wasn't a normal. And he really made her upset. 

"Who said that i expect a big thanks from you?" she challenged. "Maybe you should see your doctor to make sure that your head is fine, Reus," she added as she pushed  Marco's forehead with her index finger and walked away leaving him alone.

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