Chapter ELEVEN

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Marco opened his eyes slowly. It was already morning. The sunlight came to his room through the window. He crawled, removing the pillow from his head. He fell much better right now. His headache was gone but he still fell a little bit tired.

It was almost half nine. The training would start at ten. He still had a time to prepare himself. As he collected his energy, he returned his memory about the match yesterday. It ashamed that he could fell down on pitch. It might be that Papa Klopp wouldn't bring him to Manchester. Maybe he made a mistake by forcing himself. Maybe indeed that he should listen to her. Her? Yes her, that blonde girl.

Marco stretched his neck, occasionally his eyes saw the small bottle with the blue cap on his bedside table. It belongs to her. The magic balsam from china. Marco snorted with a mocking smile when he remembered what she said last night. Magic balsam from china. From where she could have this thing. But she was right, this balsam made him warm, he could sleep well last night. But instead of the balsam, he was more sure that it was because of the medicine.

Marco sighed, making a loud sound as he rubbed his eyes with his finger. Slowly he rose and sat on his bed. Okay, there's no time for lying on the bed. Manchester City already waits for him, for bvb, for the match. Remember about that, he felt that something burned his heart. He was really excited.

Marco grabbed and checked his phone. He had WhatsApp notification and a text. The WhatsApp are from Mario, Robert, and Ilkay. They asked about his health. And the text is from Papa Klopp. Marco took his breath, staring at the name on his inbox. He wondered what the content of the text.

Papa Klopp : 'Marco, how are you? Hope that you'll get better soon. I want you to stay at home today, take a good rest, and tomorrow we will fly together to Manchester,'

Oh thank's god, Marco said in his heart. Papa Klopp is really kind. He was affraid earlier if Papa Klopp wouldn't take him but it didn't happened. Marco took a breath again but now for his relief. He got out from his room and went downstairs to his kitchen to have a glass of milk and some cereal breakfast. But his step stopped at the his dine table. He saw a bowl, some bread, and a glass of water were served on his dine table. He frowned. "What the hell?" He mumbled to himself. He turned his head and looked around. There was no sign of somebody there.

'Good morning sleepy head.. I made a breakfast, i hope you eat them and don't forget to take your medicine - G'

G? Marco chuckled at himself, realising who G was. Hah.. So childish. He snorted as he put the paper back to the table. He pulled the chair and took his water first. He opened the bowl lid and immediately he could smell the aroma from the food. It was porridge. It smelled so good and still warm. How could?? When did she cook it for him. Did she stay here, in his apartment all night long and just left this morning?? Really?? Ohh come on..


Manchester. It was almost 1 years since the last time she visited her dad and her little sister there. She never expected that she would go to Manchester tomorrow with BVB for their match againts Manchester City in the Champion League. She called her sister this morning, after Herr Klopp mentioned her name on the BVB crew list. But she couldn't promise that she would come to see them.

Today felt more tired than usual. She had to help Herr Klopp to prepare their departure tomorrow morning and now she had to prepare herself. Gemma stretched her neck as she walked along the coridor toward her apartment. She thought to take a shower after she packed her stuff, then she would buy some food for her dinner and then she wanted to go to sleep early.

Her apartment was just a studio apartment, and it was just about 25 meters square. But it was good and enough for one month stay. Gemma turned on the tv and she was about to sit when her bell suddenly rang. Gemma walked towards the door, wondering who the guest was. Maybe her neighbour or the apartment keeper, she thought.

"Marco?" She got a big surprise when she opened her door.

"Hai," greeted Marco soon when he looked her behind the door.

"What are you doing here?" Gemma asked as she stared at his appearance.

"Am i forbidden to be here?"

"No.. But it's a late afternoon and you have to take a rest before tomorrow," said Gemma, according to his health yesterday and the doctor's words. "Beside, how could you know that i live here?"

"Mats told me, i asked him," Marco simply said. "Hey, it's very disrespectful to let your guest standing at the door like this,"

"What?" Gemma blinked her eyes, but then she opened her door more wide to let Marco got in. "You haven't answer my question, Marco. What are you doing here?"

"Listen, i'm not a guy who doesn't know thank you, and i wanna return your thing," said Marco still with his geek style as he pull out a small bottle from his jacket and gave it to Gemma.

Gemma chuckled as she took the bottle from Marco's hand. "So you come here to say thank?"

"I also wanna ask something to you," Said Marco again. His eyes looked around the small room where he was standing right now.


"Did you overnight at my place?" He asked without looked at her.

"What do you think?" She simply threw the question back.

"You don't have to do that,"

"I told you that i didn't do that for you. But bvb needs you, all your fans expects you to play well againts Manchester, so i did that for them,"

Marco didn't respond her again. He kept quiet as he kept his eyes on her. Gemma just stood leaning one side of her arms on the wall. "Your porridge is fine, i hate to admit it. I hope you didn't put some magical spice on it,"

Gemma burst out laughed at his words. "Why don't you say that my food is delicious?" She said in laugh.

"I said it just fine," Marco responded immediately. "Why are you laughing?"

Gemma chuckled at his words as she shook her head. "You're really funny, Marco. Maybe you should learn how to give a praise or to say thank you properly,"

"Did i ask for your advice, Wes?"

"I curious why you can't say my name," she said. She opened her kitchen cabinet and took a black mug from inside. "Coffee, chocolate, tea?" She offered Marco.

"Do you think that i'm stupid?"

"I didn't say that, i just said that i curious," she said. "So coffee, chocolate, or tea?" She repeated her offer as she held the mug.

"I don't want anything," he said curtly.

"What? You don't wanna drink?"

Marco shook his head. "Ehmm..," he cut his word. He seemed wanna say something but he confuse. Gemma raised her eyebrows, waiting for his next words. "I'm hungry, how about to buy some food for dinner,"

"Dinner?" Gemma opened her eyes more wide. And Marco simply nodded without looked at her. "Do you ask me for a date?" she joked.

"What?" Marco directly responded. "I just said that i'm hungry and wanna buy some food. Who the hell asking you for a date?" he freaked out. He even raised his voice to clarify his words.

Gemma laughed at his panic reaction. That was the first time Marco act like this. Marco is an extraordinary guy who extremely hard to talk to. "You're really funny, Reus," she said. She walked approaching him and stopped in front of him, "Don't worry. I don't wanna date with a smelly guy," She pressed his chest with her index finger when she passed him.

"What did you say?" he protested. His eyes followed every movement she made. This girl was really annoying, Marco said in his heart. Why could he have a deal with her? Maybe he shouldn't come here. Calm down Marco, calm down. Remember what your purpose to come here, he told to himself. Marco sighed loudly, "Hey, i don't wanna arguing with you today, blondy. I'll wait at the outside and count until ten. If you haven't get out from this room when i finished counting, that's mean i'll retract my dinner deal and i don't wanna offer the second chance, okay?"

"Wh..," Gemma had not a time to say anything to respond his words, Marco was already leave the room as he started to count. "What the hell?" Gemma muttered at his behaviour. Marco was really childish and jerk. Oh my God. From her room, she could heard vaguely his voice. Gemma sighed loudly, she took her bag, wore her jacket again and got out fom her room following Marco.

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