Chapter FIVE

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GötzeMario : 'Mats said tonight at Road Stop,'

Marcinho : 'Road Stop again?? I'll not coming, not in my mood,'

GötzeMario : 'ahh come on, Marco.. Take a breath a while before Sunday match,'

Marcinho : 'i'll pass today,'

Marco threw his phone on his comfortable sofa. He leaned his head on the backwards of his couch and grabbed the tv remote from under pillow. He switched the tv chanel for several time, looking for the interesting program, like football or comedy series.

Marco was watching comedy series on tv with microwave popcorn and coke when his door bell rang . He grumble at himself and with his laziness rose from the couch to open the door.

Marco peek through the small hole of his door and sighed upset when he saw who was standing behind his door. "I think i've told you that i'll pass today," said him as he pulled the door open without let in the guess.

"What the kind of attitude it is?" Asked Mario when Marco didn't let him in to his apartment.

Marco stood at the door, blocking the door with his body. He looked at Mario as he fondled his hand on his chest and leaned on the door frame. Just looked at him without said anything.

"Come one Marco.. It's friday night and you just sit here all alone watching tv with popcorn and coke? How boring your life," Said Mario as he pushed Marco's body away from the door and forced to get into Marco's room. He fell himself down on the couch directly when he was inside and took some popcorn from the big bowl.

"I told you i don't wanna go anywere tonight. I'm tired and i don't have a mood to drive," Marco replied. He walked back to his couch and dropped his body down on it beside Mario.

"Who say that you have to drive? I'll drive," Mario insisted to take Marco away. "So come on, dress up," he added as he punched Marco's hand playfully.

Marco gave up. He rose from the couch and make the heavy step to walk towards his bedroom. He didn't think too much for his outfits that night. He just picked Philip Plein t-shirt with Donal Duck picture, black thin jacket and denim pants. Before he got out from his room, he took his purse from the table and put into his pant pocket.

In about 15 minutes, they were on their way in Mario's car, driving towards the Road Stop cafe to see the others. Mario sang a song from the radio while Marco just remained in silence, watching the night street they through.

The car got into the parking lot of the american cafe. Mario parked his car beside one familiar car for them. Mats's car. When Mario turned off his car machine, Marco opened the car door without say something to his friend.

Marco stepped his foot towards the cafe and Mario followed him behind. That was an american cafe which had an open air long table in front. Marco didn't find any difficulty to find Mats and the others. They sat on one of some long table outside the cafe.

"I think you'll not coming," said Mats when Marco came approached them. He put his arm on the backward seat of his girlfriend's chair.

"I won't," Marco said simply as he sat on one of the empty chair. "Mario pick me up," he added as he looked at the menu in front of him.

"Hmm.. Marco, that chair is not empty," said Mitch.

"Ouww.. Someone's here?" Asked Marco as he stared at his friend one by one.

"It's mine," said someone with weird accent from his behind.

Marco pushed a long sigh. He turned his head, looking at the girl who spoke with the weird accent. British accent. She was with Riahannon, Mitch's girlfriend, maybe they were just back from the restroom. She wore black top with long-knit white cardigan and skinny jeans. Her blonde hair lifted up making a pony tail and it made her look taller a few inch from Riahannon. "Why you could be here?" Asked Marco without rise from sitting.

"Mats invite me," said her. She stood behind Marco, waiting for the blonde guy move from her chair.

"You can sit on the other chair, i don't wanna move," said Marco, turning his head from her. He was back to look at the menu.

"But i sat here first and i want to sit beside Ria," Gemma insisted.

Marco sighed again with loudly sound. Finally he rose from the chair and let the blonde girl sat down replace him. When he was about to looking for the other seat, Mats came bringing a chair from the next table and put it right beside Gemma's chair.

"Are you kidding?" Asked Marco when Mats offered the seat.

Mats raised his eyebrows without knowing that his friend was mind to sit there. "There's only one left," he said as he opened his hand offering the seat once again.

Marco chuckled at himself, he pulled the chair roughly making a loud voice. He dropped himself down on the chair and leaned on back of the chair.

"Hey Marco, are you okay?" Cathy asked when she saw that he seemed not in a good mood.

Marco shrugged his shoulder. "Ever better," said Marco as he glanced to Gemma.

Gemma moved the menu from her front to him. But Marco didn't react at all. "I'm not hungry," said Marco as he shifted the menu back to her.

Gemma sighed and took the menu away from Marco. "Are you hate me?" She asked, facing Marco. She was upset with Marco's behaviour to her. "Did i do something wrong?" She began to raise her voice.

Marco chuckled at her ask. He turned his head to her, looking at her green eyes which looked darker at night, "you think?"

"You act like a jerk to me," said Gemma.

"I'm a jerk?" Marco chuckled again by his own words. "It's just your feeling, blondy,"

"Don't call me blondy, i have a name," Gemma protested.

"Heyy... Stop you two!" Mario shouted from his seat, three chair across after Cathy who sat right in front Gemma. "Marco please,"

"Nah.. Listen to him," said Marco to Gemma as he pointed Mario with his index finger. Then he turned his head from her, looking at the other side. At the same time the waitress came and asked him for the order. "Just coke," Marco said.

Gemma sighed again, she tried to control herself and her bad feeling by sitting beside Marco Reus. It was a mistake she came here, she thought. She was alone in Dortmund, she was too lazy to back to Giessen also because of the long-range, so she thought that it wasn't wrong to join with the team to hang out at friday night when Mats asked her. But she forgot that Marco Reus was one of the team.

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