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"I'm sorry Kate, but i can't promise to come home right now. I'm here for my job," said Gemma on the phone. It was her sister Kathryn. Kate's voice over the phone sounded disappointed. Gemma knew that. But she couldn't do nothing. She was here with bvb and on her duty, she couldn't arbitrarily decide to go home without permit from Jürgen Klopp. "Yes, i'll try to ask permit to my boss, okay? Say hi to dad and i will call you again tomorrow,"

Gemma sighed after she hang up the phone. She wanted to go home actually but she knew it was quite impossible. She hoped her father and sister would understand about her condition now. Gemma stared at the view outside the hotel through the big glass in front of her. Manchester city light at night looked so beautiful. For 18 years she lived in this city, this is the first time she could stand and found the scenery like this. Manchester is a beautiful city, so British. There was no reason to hate it.

Gemma creeps when she started to feel the cold. She made a fool at herself, how could she forget to bring her scarf. Yesterday she even told Marco to bring his scarf because Manchester is windy on october and now, she was the one who forget about that. Oh my god, Marco!! It was better if he never knew that she forgot to bring her scarf. He would laugh at her. Bastard. She was really upset at him today. And now, she would never expect to have a good relationship with him anymore.

Marco. Even just to recall his name it made her upset. Why the guy like him could have a lot of girlfans? They adored him too much just because he has a handsome face but they didn't know about his character, how annoying he was. Arghh.. okay, just forget about it, said Gemma to herself. Gemma sighed again before she decide to walked around that luxury hotel. She never knew how the football world before. And now suddenly she knew everything and it was amazing. Big salary, fancy car, huge luxury apartment, private plane, luxury hotel. The things that she thought she would never have for her life, but now it was really close to her life. And at least that was what would she found during this month.

Gemma went up to the floor where she could see the view from the hotel terrace. And the air was cooler there because the wind was blowing hard. Gemma held herself to make her body warmer. But it didn't help so much. Gemma was about to got into the hotel again when she saw Marco was walking alone in the hotel hall. He wore his gray scarf and black jacket and it seemed that he walked towards the terrace. Damn.. Don't come here, what the hell will you doing here?? Gemma wondered in herself.

Marco came closer, in just a few step he would pull the terrace glass door. Gemma decided to stay there for a moment until Marco was on the terrace and she would go out from there secretly. She hoped he wouldn't see her. Gemma turned her back to him when he came to the terrace. She threw her gaze to the night sky and city lights, pretending to have no idea about his presence.

'Shit, why he walked towards here??' Gemma muttered at herself when Marco was walking closer to her. She stayed in her position as she peeked him occasionally without made any movement. Gemma closed her eyes when Marco walked right behind her but it seemed that he just passed her. 'Thank's god he didn't recognise me,' Gemma give thanks in her heart. 'Of course he won't, he's stupid,' Gemma chuckled at herself, showing a mocking smile on her face. 'Okay, now it's time to go,' she thought after Marco passed her and she started to move from that place slowly.

"Where will you going?" This voice directly stopped her step.

'Damn it!! How he could recognize me??' Gemma turned her body slowly and looked at him with cynical gaze. Oh my god, him again, really?? He was really annoying and why he should be here with her right now on the terrace with a beautiful view??

"Don't pretend that you didn't see me," he simply said as he leaned his body on the porch railling which made by glass.

"What do you want?" Gemma asked sarcastically as she made a puppy eyes on her face.

"Me?? Nothing. What do you mean?"

"What are you doing here? Why are you here?"

"Why i can't to be here. It's not your own property, it's a public area i think,"

Gemma made a big sigh from her mouth, "it  really useless to talk with you," said Gemma as she stepped her feet to leave him. She started to feel upset again. Marco always did the same thing. He made a problem, he started the argue, and the worst thing was he did it on purpose and he loved to did it.

"Wait, where will you going?" Asked Marco as he grabbed Gemma's hand quickly, holding her to stay.

"Get off me," Gemma reflexed to pull her arm from Marco's grip. ,"Marco, you piss me off," she raised her voice.

"Ssttt.. Can you speak more slowly?? Look, the other people stare at us," said Marco as he put his palm on Gemma's mouth, "Jesus, why your skin feel so cold like ice,"

Gemma removed Marco's hand from her. She turned her body, ignoring him as she returned to watch the night scenery in front of her and for many times she admitted how beautiful it was. They kept silent for a moment. No one started to talk. They watched the Manchester city light at night which they would never find in Dortmund.

"Your city is beautiful. You must really love it," said Marco breaking the silence. But Gemma didn't answer him. "You don't want to visit your family?" He asked.

"I'm here on duty. I can't do it eventhough i want,"

"You have to ask Papa Klopp, he is a nice person, a very kind father. He must be understand,"

Gemma blinked her eyes a few times. She turned her head to Marco and found that the blonde guy beside her was staring straight to the city lights in front of him. Gemma watched his face carefully and she had just realise that this Marco Reus has a perfect eyes and a perfect texture face. She understood why many girls are crazy about him. "Marco, are you trying to be nice with me?"


"You made me upset today, and now you suggest me to talk to Herr. Klopp if i wanna go home,"

"If you don't wanna do it, then don't do it. I just said that Papa Klopp is a nice person,"

"You're still sucks,"

"What did you say?"

"You're sucks,"

"Me?" Marco chuckled at her words. "What's your problem, blondy?"

"I have no problem with you but you are the one who always make a problem, and i'm not sure that you're sane. I...," Gemma cut her words when suddenly the wind blew so hard in the terrace. And it made her body creeps because of the cold air. "Gosh, it's really cold," she grumbled.

"Use your scarf, idiot. You told me to wear it but you don't wear it. You think that your body made by iron?"

"Okay, fool me. I will tell you, fussy guy, i forgot to bring my scarf. And now you're free to laugh,"

"Jesus, why are you angry of a sudden? You really have a bad temper, Wes"

"Because you're sucks!!" Gemma directly replied without waited pause time. "And i know what will you doing to me with your dirty mind," she added as she tipped Marco's forehead with her finger.

"What?? You accuse me. Who say that i will mocking you?"

"See?? I  didn't say that you'll mocking me but you said it by yourself," 

Marco opened his mouth without saying a word, he surprised with what she said. He didn't find any words to reply the  barrage of her words. She said that he was crazy, he thought this girl was insane too. She could act like a sweet girl then she could turn like a lion. Oh my god. This girl absolutely couldn't take a joke or even a chat. Why Ilkay could stand close with her. But why he could feel annoyed when he saw this girl with ilkay. It was crazy. 

Marco let a loud sigh came out from his mouth and it made a plume of white smoke flew to the air. He went to the terrace to see the city lights and calm himself before the match tomorrow but he just met a girl who was in the bad mood so it was better for him to return to his room. He loosened his ties scarf and then he took it off. "I lost today, but at least make your neck warm," said Marco as he put his scarf around Gemma's neck and walked away. He got into the hotel hall, leaving Gemma who just stood still watching him with confused and disbelief. He gave his scarf?? Really?? Marco Reus gave his scarf?? Oh my god, you must be  kidding me.

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