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The alarm tones rang promptly at 7 o'clock in the morning. Gemma ran her hand to find her phone to turn the alarm off. She sighed, why the night felt so short. She still needed more hours to sleep before facing the schedule today. Today would be a long day for them. The match would be held today. And the result of today's match would be very important for them.

Gemma rose, sitting on the huge bed of her hotel room. The bed is very very comfortable. The most comfortable bed she ever met in her life. So is this how it feel to overnight at the luxury hotel? She even got her own room. She didn't need to share the room with someone else.

Gemma watched carefully her hotel room, every single edge. Her eyes stopped immediately when she saw the grey scarf hanging on the hanger beside her jacket. The Polo Ralph Lauren scarf. It was the famous brand. Gemma chuckled at herself when she thought how much Marco had to pay just for that grey scarf. But maybe it was just a piece of money for him, recalling that he got a big salary and he wore 123 Euro Donald Duck t-shirt from Phillip Plein. The very very incredible price for her. She didn't come from a rich family. Her father is just a Junior High School teacher who didn't have a large income. And that was why her mother left them. She wanted a big money to support all she needs for her glamorous life. Oh my god, her mother. She hates her mother. What kind of mother who bear to leave her 2 little daughters to live with an elderly tycoon only for big money. And now when the old was dead and she couldn't get money anymore, she tried to find Gemma's father to come back again. Okay, stop to think about her. Everything related to her mother just gave bad influence for them. Her father, her, and her sister.

Gemma sent a text to her sister before she jumped from the bed towards the bathroom to prepare herself. Today, she would have many activity with the team. It was begin from a breakfast, then a training at the Etihad stadium. They would back to the hotel for lunch, and some of them would attend the press conference at the hotel while the others could take their time to relax and concentrate themself before the match tonight. Gemma pondered her suitcase and the clothes inside it before finally she picked a white sweater for her top today. She grabbed her bag, her work stuff, and also Marco's scarf with her and ready to go out.

The restaurant already looked busy when she arrived. It was full with BVB players, crews and wags. They booked one of the hotel restaurant for their private breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And also they had their own food menu. Gemma walked around the restaurant and observe the menu which served by the hotel chef for their breakfast. Wow, it was like the lunch and dinner menu yesterday, all this food looked very delicious.

"Good Morning Gemma," greeted Mario when she was about to take cereal and yogurt.

"Morning Mario," she greeted back, smile at him. Gemma glanced slightly to Mario's back and little hoped that she would find Marco there, but he wasn't there. She had Marco's scarf in her bag and she wanted to return it to him.

"Sleep good last night?" Mario asked as he took 2 pieces of bread to his plate, butter, and strawberry jam.

"Never have the better one," she joked and Mario laughed at her words. Gemma took 2 spoons of cereal and mixed it with yogurt and blackberry on her bowl. It would be a perfect breakfast for her. After the cereal, she already targeted to eat scrambled egg, bacon and sausage from the next food stall.

"Hey, Frau West, come here," she heard Jürgen Klopp called her from the table near the bar as he waved his hand to her.

Gemma walked approaching him with the bowl in her right hand and orange juice in his left hand. Jürgen pulled the chair beside him and let Gemma to sit there. "Thank you, Herr Klopp," said Gemma as she took a seat. It was really coincidental to sit beside Jürgen Klopp. She wanted to ask a permit from him to visit her family briefly.

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