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Dortmund’s main station seemed quite deserted. Gemma stood in front of the big screen and watched the departure schedule. There would only 2 departures that night. The first one would heading to Berlin and the other one would leading to Frankfurt. Gemma would take that train and she would stop in Giessen which was one of the city that passed before the train reached Frankfurt.

Gemma checked the time on her watch, it was 10.50pm and the train would depart at 11.30pm. She had about 30 minutes left to enjoy Dortmund before she entered the train and leave. Gemma sighed slowly. She dragged her small suitcase towards the waiting room. She felt so tired that day, whereas she just went to the Signal Iduna to watch BVB’s game and after that as what they had planned, they held a small farewell party for her at the Brackel and almost all of the team came except Marco. He directly returned to home after the game. The others guessed that he was upset at himself because he didn’t play well that night. But not Gemma. She was sure that there was another reason for him to not attend the party.

Gemma resigned. All of his behavior and his temper made her frustrated. She felt stupid to spend her last night in Dortmund just to think about him. She didn’t sleep last night, she couldn’t. Marco successfully seized her sleep time. She didn’t know how many times she looked to the outside the window, hoping that she would see him standing beside the tree like before but he wasn’t there. She waited for the bell which would rang of a sudden and he would be the one who was standing behind the door but he didn’t come. She knew, it sounded crazy. But she couldn’t avoid it, it was hard to accept the truth that she was falling in love with Marco Reus.

Gemma took a seat beside the warmer at the waiting room. She felt tremble because of the cold air that night. The rain fell down tonight and it made the air getting colder. While she waited, she took the gifts that she got from the farewell party tonight. The small one was from Jürgen, and the big one was from the team. Gemma prefered to open the big one first. Apparantly it was a photo frame with photos and their autographs in it. Gemma chuckled, she wondered when this scrap was made and who made it.

Gemma watched the photos carefully. The photos were from different occasion, she could remember every moments from every photos. The first time she watched the game, the first time she went out with the team, her photo with the girls when they arrived in Manchester and the last photo which put at the bottom was from Ilkay’s birthday two days ago.

Gemma sighed as she leaned her back on the seat, she recalled what Jürgen Klopp said at the farewell party before that BVB would always open for her everytime. He expected her to can stay more longer with them or maybe if she would, she could have permanent job at BVB. And she promise them to think about it. Yeah.. She would think about it because of course she loves this team. BVB was like a big family, she loves to be part of them. It was great. But she didn’t wanna make a decision without considering it first.

Gemma put the gift back to her hand carry carefully. She wanted to open the small one but apparantly it was only 15 minutes left before the train departed. He tidied up her stuff and went out from the waiting room towards the line where the train was. Yeah.. This is the time, she would leave Dortmund and leave everything related with Marco Reus. Eventhough it was just a few moments and it was very brief but it were meaningful for her. She would try to forget her feeling and all the moments she had with him. And the next time when she felt that she was ready to come to Dortmund again, she would see Marco Reus in the same way with the way she saw the others.

The black Range Rover ran in high speed through the old building area. Marco cursed when the traffic light turned to red and forced him to stop his car and waited. He checked the time again. He didn’t know how many times he checked the time both on his dashboard or on his watch since he went from his apartment. Now was 11.10pm.

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