"What?" He sounded surprised.

I shrugged as I got up and looked at him. "It's just that I... want something more and I can't have that and be doing this with you because I would feel like shit." Or more than I already do since I was being a jerk to the guys I was out with and also that thought in the back of my mind that I could be responsible for someone's overdose. More death on my hands. I shook my head to clear the thought as my chest tightened at it. "I mean, this is... it's great but –"

His laughing cut me off. "It's cool, you don't need to explain." He said. "It was fun, but I can find another fuck buddy."Of course he could.

"Really?" I gave him a flat glare.

He chuckled. "No, I didn't mean it like that. You were great – are great." He bit his lip as his eyes trailed from my face and I felt my face heat.

I wasn't ashamed and wasn't shy, I guess I was flattered. He walked into a room and women and men would openly swoon and stare at him like he was staring at me now. His stare was giving my ego a massive boost until he looked across the room and chuckled.

"So, yeah. Don't get killed." He said.

"Don't?" I raised my brows.

"Yeah, I mean who else will I shack up with when he gets tired of his boyfriend?"

"What?" I laughed.

"Exactly." He said with a smile before he nodded, his face suddenly straight, "But seriously, don't start fights."

"Pfft. I don't start fights." I waved him off. He frowned at me before he shook his head and turned to walk out but I spoke, "When are you leaving?"

"About an hour from now." He glanced at his watch before turned to leave. I bit my lip wondering if ending the arrangement was wrong as I watched his ass while he walked out. No. Shiloh was right; this was a bad idea from the beginning.

I took in a breath getting excited suddenly. Finally no Clyde. I'm free for the next two days, because those two guards couldn't keep track of me like he did. I had no idea how he always knew where I was even without the laptop, but whenever I tried to lose them while I was out with someone, I ran into him.

I glanced at my phone. They would be leaving at one in the afternoon, I guess I had a couple of hours to find any escape route in the house that I could use if I got into a fight with Ben or anyone else since the only reason no one had killed me yet was because Sergio always stopped the fight.


I walked into the kitchen at dinner and frowned. For some reason the house felt awfully empty to me without Clyde around, probably because aside from Kent, he was the person I spoke to most. And then there was Sergio, but we didn't do much talking. I noticed Ben and a guy who I know as Macen eating along with Kent. We were the only people in the house as far as I knew.

I opened my mouth to tell Kent it was alright and that I could serve myself but he was on his feet before a sound could leave my throat so I just sat down as far as I could from the two men that practically radiated hate for me.

Kent laid a plate of food and a glass of water in front of me and I thanked him before he sat down where he had been seated.

I ate silently as Ben and Macen talked amongst themselves occasionally exchanging words with Kent. Honestly, not even dinner at one of my ex boyfriend's house after he had a shouting fight with his father in their backyard had been this awkward for me.

"Alexander." I looked up to see Macen and Ben staring at me.

"Yes?" I replied simply.

"Why so quiet?" Ben smirked as he stared at me. "Scared Clyde's not here to protect you?" Instead of replying I tilted my head at the pair of men way across me.

"I'm just curious... Don't you guys have houses? Or do you seriously live here? I mean, it's a nice house but don't women find it weird that thirty or forty-something year old men live with their friends?" I asked, "Or do you only get prostitutes, so that doesn't matter? It must be really hard to get women without a real job. Must be very emasculating explaining that you're jobless and live like a first-year college student while a twenty-something year old bosses you around –"

"Ben, how about a beer?" Kent shot me a look that told me to shut up and I gave him a smile but nodded knowing that that was probably best seeing as how the fork and knife in Ben's hands were bent now while Macen snickered at me.

Ben's phone went off and he reluctantly answered it while keeping his eyes on me.

"What is it?" He spoke venomously.

Perhaps I should take my leave while he's distracted? Wow, when did I become a coward...?

It's not cowardice; it's using your head... for once...

I frowned to myself.

"Where were you...?" Ben hissed, "That makes no sense. I'm on my way." He hung up before his glare returned to me. "Macen, we have to go."

Macen got up and left quickly, Ben's glare stuck on me until he smirked.

"See you later." The way he said that sent a shiver down my spine as I watched him walk out.

I heard the front door shut before a car drove off.

"Damn it, Alex." Kent shook his head at me before he sighed, "Want me to sleep here tonight?"

I shrugged acting like I wasn't shaken.

Congratulations, Alexander. You did it again. You and that amazing mouth of yours. Now all you need to do is find a hiding place to use until Monday.


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