Take Care | Taehyung

Start from the beginning

I loved (y/n).I loved her.But,because of some stupid business,dad forced me to leave her and get marry with MiYeon.I hate this.I can't live without (y/n).I can't live without her.I'm sorry honey.I'm really sorry.


(Y/N)'s POV

Today's the day.Taehyung's wedding with MiYeon.I still can't believe the facts that..he left me.With his own unborn child.How could he.Thinking about that makes me cry even more.

"(Y/n)..gwenchana?" Asked Reen.She's here to accompany me.She's really a good friend.

I quickly wipe my tears and fake a smile."Ah?Yeah..I'm fine.Don't worry."

I flinched as I feel pain from my tummy.I rub it slowly and groan in pain.It's really pain!

"Omo!!(y/n)..what's wrong?!" Reen asked worriedly.

"Reen..I think.tsk..it's time.The baby.."
"Omo..wait!I call the ambulance." "HURRY!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

"Hold on (y/n)!!"

-At the hospital-

"Pushh!!" " ARGHHHHHH!!!" "COME ON (Y/N)!!! I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS!!!" Reen hold my hand tight while I'm trying to push the baby out.

"ARGHHH...TAEEEHYUNG!!!" I have no idea how did it came out.I stop pushing as I hear the baby's crying.The baby..my first child is finally out.

"Congratulations,ma'm.It's a girl." The doctor hands me the baby.I smile weakly as I admire her face.

"Hey Taeguk..eomma's here." Reen pat my back gently.This is the best moment ever in my life.The nurse come and take Taeguk from me to bring her to the nursery to check her up.

"I wish..Tae was here." A drop of tear fell on my pale face as I thought about him.He's officially MiYeon's husband now.I guess..

"(Y/n),forget about that jerk.Think about Taeguk now.You have her now.Okay?Think positive!" Reen encourage me.I give her a weak smile,but after that..everything around me goes black and all I hear is screams from Reen while shaking my soulless body eagerly.

Reen's POV



"Erm,sorry.It's Jimin.I hold Taehyung's phone for now.Anything that I can help?"
"Oh,hey..Reen.Hey,are you sobbing?Hey,what happened?" "Jimin!!Where's Taehyung?! I need to talk to him now!!"

"Err,he's reading his vow now.Why?What's going on?!"
"It's (y/n)!"

Taehyung's POV

"Do you,Lee MiYeon will take Kim Taehyung as your husband?" 
"I do."

"Do you,Kim Taehyung will take Lee Miyeon as your wife?"

My thoughts messed up.Guiltiness can't stop from hitting me.I can't stop thinking about (y/n).

"I d-" "STOP!!!"

Before I could answer,the door being slammed by someone,reveal Jimin.His face was written panick and worried on it.


I drive my car with full of speed.Not bothering the red lights,the raindrops that fall heavily hitting the roads,the cars..I DON'T CARE.

All I care now is,I want to arrive at the hospital as soon as possible.I want to meet (y/n).I don't care what the people will say about I left the wedding just like that.I don't even care anymore.I just want to meet (y/n).Jimin said she's critical now.She didn't told me that she's pregnant.Tears all over my face.I'm sooo stupid.STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!

I barge into the building as I park my car.I run as fast as I can and meet Reen.(Y/n)'s bestfriend.

"Reen!!Where's (y/n)??!!!Jeball!!!Where's my wife?!" I plead her.Her face also covered with tears.She slowly shake her head and point to the room beside us."She's in there." I quickly open the door and only to see,my love is lying soullessly on the bed.Her face was completely pale.

"Ja-jagiya.Ireona!!Jagiya!! It's me.Please,honey.Wake up!!" I grip her cold palm tightly.She slowly open her eyes and a weak smile drawed on her face.

"T-tae..is that you?" She whispered with her crack voice."Yes,honey.Yes.It's me!!" I kiss her knuckles."How's the wedding?" "I cancelled it,honey.I left the ceremony just like that.Honey,please wake up!" I burst into tears.

"Aww,Tae.Why did you do that?" "Because I love you,(y/n).I love you!!" She can't stop smiling.Even it's the weak one."Have you seen our daughter?" My jaw dropped."It's a girl?" "Yes.I named her Taeguk.You like it?" "I love it,honey!I love it!"

I can't stop myself from kissing her knuckles.

"Tae,can you do me a favor?"
"Huh?What is it honey?Tell me.I-I will do it."

"Taehyung,I want you to take care of Taeguk,and yourself.I know you can handle her without me." "No!(y/n) what are you talking about?!!You're not going anywhere.We gonna raise Taeguk together.Please don't talk nonsense (y/n)!"

"No,Taehyung.Listen.My time has finally come." "NO!No (y/n) nooo..please,don't leave me!" I bury my head on her palm while cying non-stop.Her cold finger touch my chin make me title my head.

"Kim Taehyung,listen.Take care of yourself and Taeguk.Take care of your health.I know,you're strong enough to handle Taeguk.To bare with all of this.I know you're strong,Kim Taehyung.And I want you to know..I love you.I love you and I always do.I've never hate you.Even you're always not by my side.I'm always love you.You've being the greatest man that I've ever met.You're the greatest husband that I've ever could ask for.You meant the world to me.Live well with Taeguk.I love you,Kim Taehyung.And nothing can stop me from loving you."

She peck my lips before shutting her eyes.I'm so scared right now."(y/n)?Hey..honey.Wake up!!Honey!!Please,wake up!!" I sob on her motionless body.She's gone.She left me.She left me here.

"I love you too (y/n).And always do." I lift my body and peck her cold forehead.I admire her beautiful face for the last time.

"Live well up there jagiya."


The nurse hands me the baby.Or should I say,my daughter.She's cute.

"Hey,Taeguk.It's me.Appa.From now on,appa will take care of you.Eomma's not here anymore.Don't worry.Appa's here with you sweetie.Love you!"

I peck her chubby cheek.She slowly smile and move her hands a bit.Make me chuckle by her cuteness.She has her mom's smile and beauty.She's totally look alike (y/n).

"I love you,my angels"


Okay,I don't know if I should ask this but...should I make part 2 ??

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