Charity leans in towards me. "Keep your hormones at bay, please." She warns me.

I sit there for about forty-five minutes listening to Midget talk about the ad campaign and what I have to do with it. I zone out after the first ten minutes. I've never been one to pay attention to stuff like this. She should know that. When we were in high school, I would have to get her notes because I would fall asleep during class. She finally finishes her presentation and looks at me.

"So what do you think, Mr. Collins?" She asks. I hate that she's being so formal with me. Charity looks at me, hoping I was paying attention, but knows that I wasn't. But I'm good at these types of thing. I've gotten out of trouble plenty of times when I wasn't paying attention.

"It sounds good." I say.

"Great. If you'll sign the contract in front of you then we can do-"

"But I have a tiny problem." I cut her off. She eyes me quizzingly, wondering what I might be up to.

"I like to get to know my partners before working with them. Is there anyway that I can talk to you in private?" I ask. She wants to deny knowing me, well two can play at that game.

She gives me a tight smile and I can tell she's slightly agitated with me. "Mr. Collins, this is what this meeting is for."

"Nonsense. If you want to talk to her in private, it's no problem. I couldn't agree more, Mr. Collins." Richard says.

I turn to Midget with a small victory smirk on my face. I can tell she's upset that Richard took my side, but I am the client here. Why wouldn't he?

"Well, then, follow me to my office Mr. Collins." She says.

"Please. Call me Jordan." I correct her and if she's still the Midget that I know, she's about ready to smack me across the arm.

Charity gives me a questioning look as we leave, but I ignore her. I'll explain to her later. Right now I need to know why the girl I'm still madly in love with is acting like I never existed to her. She opens the door to her office and I immediately start to look around. It screams professional, but not Midget. She sits down at her desk and gestures for me to take a seat across from her.

"Midget, why are-"

"It's Abigail. Don't call me that." She corrects me now.

I scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion. She hates being called Abigail. I know for a fact because it was the only way I could tease her. What the hell happened to her and why is she so... different.

"I'm not calling you Abigail. I'll call you Abby, but not Abigail." I say.

"We're here to do business, not catch up. I prefer Abigail because it's more professional than calling me Abby." She says as if this will persuade me.

"Anyways, Abby, what's up with what you did back there? You completely acted like you didn't know me." I'm slightly pissed off, but I don't want to argue with her because it's our first time seeing each other after six years.

"Like I said, we're here to do business." She states with no emotion in her voice.

"Well, like I said, I like to get to know my partners. So let's get to know each other." I smirk, sitting down in one of the chairs in front of her desk.

She eyes me suspiciously and I can see the storm forming behind her eyes. "What are you trying to do, Jordan? This isn't a game."

"If I recall, you did make a promise to me six years ago. I thought when we met again it would go a little differently than how it is now." I say.

Six Years After The BetWhere stories live. Discover now