"Let's go now little sis, They are already waiting for us already."


I run and step in the car excitedly. I will going to see Baekkie again. Aigoo! I really miss him so much. I haven't saw him for 1 week already because he have to finish all his work in the School before going on vacation.

"Okay girls. Let's go to Jeju island!"

"Aye aye!"

We shouted

waaah it will be my first time to go in that famous island with everyone. I'm sure this will going to be fun.


After 30 minutes , we are now here on the airport. I don't know why but I'm really excited not because we're going to Jeju ,it's because I will going to see my Baekkie. waaaah

I should have run all around right now but i'm carrying this annoying luggage right now. We will stay there for a week so I brougt many dress.

"There they are."

Shashie shouted as she runs towards them. Everyone is here aside from Baekkie. Where is that guy anyway?

I was about to walk towards them and asked but the guy that I was looking for suddenly appear amd took my Luggage. "Why did you take so long? I've been waiting for you ,you know!" He said pissedly before he walks toward Blaze while grabbing me and hand over my luggage.

"Thank you brother-in-law." He smiled at him and grab me again towards the plane which is the private plane that we will use to go to Jeju I guess.

"Waah It's so big." I gasped with amazement. This thing is more bigger than the plane that people use to ride. I guess it's my Baekkie's property. He's really that rich you know.

"Hey Baekhyun! who told you to give the Luggage to me ?!You took that so you carry that!" he gave my Luggage to Baekkie but he didn't accept it.

"Aigoo. You're too mean Brother-in-Law. "

Waah ! Oh my God!Why does it hurts my eyes when I saw him doing aegyo infront of Blaze. It's too gayish! OMG!

"Aish Jinjja! just give me that and I'll carry it! " Kai stole the luggage while he's holding Hyoyeon. Hmmp wonder if they are already official. They are already closed ever since the night of fireworks and they look cute together. Kyaah. "let's go Hyo. Let's not disturb the two idiots fighting."

. Everyone laughs after he left while grabbing Hyoyeon inside plane. If Baekkie wasn't glaring at me , I'm already laughing really hard. It's just so epic when Kai appear infront of them.

"That guy really. Aish!" That's Baekkie .

"Why do he said two idiots? The only idiot is Baekhyun and not me." he said while walking towards the plane. The others already went inside too so the only left outside is me and him.

"I'm going to beat that guy!"

"Oops. No fighting. Remember we're going on vacation."

This people is really giving me a

headache. Should I just hit this guy right now? "Just don't mind that and just start walking or else ,the plane will leave without us."

It will be more bad if the plane will leave us. I will really going to let him swim the ocean if that happens.

"Wait!!!" Baekkie and I look at the back when someone shouted. It was Kris running towards is while carrying his luggage.He's sure are late huh. "Sorry i'm late."

My Best Frienemy(Exo-Baekhyun) |EXO Series Where stories live. Discover now