Imagine #18

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~Y/N's Pov~

Cameron is gone to film a video with Kian and Jc. I decided to stay home today. He's been gone for about two hours now. I've been watching movies on Netflix. I hear Cameron walk in.

"Hey Cam." I walk over to him and kiss him.

"Hi beautiful." He smiles.

"You make me melt." I blushed.

"Your cute when your all shy and when you blush." I smiled.

"Your smile kills me princess."

"Staaaaaaaaap." I blushed even more. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend.

We headed to the living room. Cameron sat down, grabbed my waist and pulled me on his lap.

"Wanna go to our room?" I ask standing up.

"Sure." Cameron shuts the tv off. I grabbed his hand and walked with him upstairs.

I layed down on the bed. Cameron shut the door and walked over to the bed. He got on top of me. He kissed me all over my face and my neck.

"What are you doing?" I giggle.

"This." He smiled and started tickling me.

"NO NO! CAMERON! STOP! OH MY GOD! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I attempt to say while I'm laughing.


"No. I'm good." And he keeps tickling me all over.

I started slapping him but him being way stronger than me, he grabbed both my wrists and pulled my arms over my head and pinned them there. Then he tickled me with his other hand.


"One condition!" He stopped.

"And what's that?" I get out of his grip and cross my arms while he sits on my stomach.

"I get to kiss you when I want and you can't complain. I get to hug you even if you don't want anyone close to you. I get to cuddle you when I feel like it. When your upset and I ask what's wrong, your going to tell me the truth instead of saying 'I'm fine' or 'nothing'. Also. If ever we fight or something's up... You have to talk to me and we can get through it together." He explains.

"One, That is more than one condition. Two, how can I complain when you kiss me? Three, uh. Babe. You give the best hugs ever and I want to be in your arms forever and always. Four, cuddling with you is my favourite hobby. Five, depends on the situation because if I really don't wanna talk about it, you always have to respect me but I'll try and get better at that. And finally... Six, we always did do that, we still do and always will. Now. Can you get off to me and can we cuddle? I'm tired."

"One, I know. Two your cute. Three, same. Four me too. Five, I do respect that. Six, good. And sure baby girl." He smiled and I returned the gesture.

For the rest of the night, we just cuddled and had deep conversations about life and our relationship.

Cameron Dallas imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now