Imagine #2

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~Y/N's Pov~

"No... No... No no no no no no....." I whisper to myself. "This can't be..."

I look at the pregnancy test. It's a positive. I'm pregnant?!? What am I going to tell Cameron. What if he leaves me.... What if he doesn't want the baby and leaves me alone to take care of him/her all by my self. A tear rolls down my cheek.

For now I just put the pregnancy test back in the box in the cub board so Cameron doesn't see it. He's at work right now but he finishes in about an hour.

I'm still worried. I don't want to tell him but at the same time, I do.

My phone starts to buzz. I pick it up.

"Hey baby girl." I smile to myself.

"Hey Cam." I bet I don't sound as happy as him at the moment.

"I'm done in about five minutes, we're just closing up. I'll be home in about thirty minutes okay?"

"Alright. See you soon babe."

"Bye. Love you Y/N."

"Love you too Cameron." I hang up.

I suddenly feel very nauseated. I run to the main floor bathroom. I bend over to the toilet and throw up. Oh no... I guess I really am pregnant. I threw up two days ago but Cameron and I din't really think anything about it. Today I decided to try the pregnancy test just because but I guess it's a good thing I did.

I'm sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket watching Netflix. I hear the door unlock. I turn around to see Cameron.

"Hey baby." He smiles and takes off his shoes. I get up and hug him tightly.

"Woah. What was that?" He asks.

"I don't know. I just missed you." I say grabbing the blanket I was using earlier and wrapping it around myself.

I look horrible right now. I have no makeup on, I'm in my pjs and my hair is up in a very messy all day type of bun.

"Y/N? Is anything wrong?" He asks me squishing my face.

"Uh. Actually. It could either be bad news or good news. Depending on how your going to take this..." I look down.

"Y/N. Tell me what's wrong." He commands.

"Okay. Just come sit down please. This is important." I grab his wrist and drag him to the couch. He sits down, I sit down beside him but my body facing him.

"Okay... So.. Today. I got some news while you were gone..." I start off. My eyes start getting watery.

"What is it?" He asks holding my hand.

"I.. I um... I took a pregnancy test after you left... And it.... Um... It came out positive.... We're having a baby Cam."

He's in shock.

"I'm.... I'm going to be a dad?" He asks.

"Yeah.... Are going to leave me?" I look down. He lifts my chin up. He kisses me.

"Never." He smiles. I smile back at him.

Cameron Dallas imaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz