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If you're going through any depression/hard period of time in your life. I PROMISE you, everything will get better. Please, even if I don't know you or your story, I'm telling you, things do get better. If you feel alone and like no body loves you. That is not true. It may seem like you're alone, but you arn't. There is ALWAYS help out there. You just have to stay stong and don't give up. If you fall down on your knees and want to end it, don't. Life is such a beautiful thing and everyone should have the chance to live it to the very fullest. If you have suicidal thoughts.. Talk to somebody. Do not end your life because you're under a dark cloud. Move forwards and pass the dark cloud. Things will get better. You can't end your life whoever you are and whatever reason it is you want to. You have parents (siblings maybe) that love you very much, your friends too. Think about your future. If you feel like you wont get far in life. Fight for what you want. Aim high and reach you're dreams. Also, if you feel like you shouldn't be alive. Think of this. God put us all here for a reason. If you warn't meant to be here, you wouldn't be. Be youself and love yourself!

Stay strong. Things will fall into place and get better. Trust me.

I love you!❤️

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