He nodded. "I get it... It's so fucked up, though. They can't just go around doing whatever the fuck they want to."

"Yeah, well, we can't do anything about it." I said, "Now, you swore you wouldn't tell anyone else about this, so can you act normal?"

"What are you talking about, Alex?" he frowned looking at me confused. I laughed and he chuckled as I shoved him back towards the front of the house. "By the way, it's a really bad idea." He said randomly. I stopped and grabbed his shoulder to stop him.

"What?" I asked.

He smirked as he looked at me, "I've been around Claire and her girl friends long enough to know how people act when they're no-strings-attached fucking, and I've known you long enough to know that your drought ended."

"Man, shut the hell up." He laughed, "Wait – you two were –? How the hell did I not know?" I asked stunned.

"Because you're oblivious to anything that's not in a book or a murder case." He rolled his eyes, "Until him." He smirked, "Still, what you're doing with that criminal is a really bad idea. I know I told you to get laid, but you just had to pick the worst person to do it with, didn't you?" He asked.

"Shut up, we're not having sex." I snapped. He gave me a flat look and I glared at him, "If you tell Claire or Jordan –"

"Please, you won't do anything." He cut me off with a laugh and I glared at him, "I won't, Alex. You're my brother; I don't want Claire to kill you."

"Damn it, Shiloh..." I muttered.

"Seriously, though, Alexander." His face suddenly dropped into a dead serious stare, "Find other guys to fuck. This no-strings-attached thing never ends the way it started, I should know. I'll admit in my case it ended up pretty great." I chuckled seeing him smile as he thought of Claire before he looked at me again. "But he's not like her, people like him don't feel, Alexander. It probably won't end well, and if anyone's going to get hurt in this arrangement, it's going to be you."

"Thank you for your concern, but I can take care of myself." I said.

"I know, but I don't want to see you back the way you were after..." he drifted and I nodded. I seriously doubt I could ever feel as low as I did when my parents were killed again. Especially about a guy.

"You won't. Trust me. Besides, you know I'm not into the relationship thing." I said frowning. He nodded frowning.

"Another thing, and I know I've told you this before, but not everyone is like that jackass." He said.

"Like what jackass?" My eyes shifted as Sergio walked up to Shiloh and I holding a beer. He looked annoyed out of his mind.

"No one." I replied.

"You look like you're about to throw that at the DJ." Shiloh chuckled.

"You have no idea..." Sergio frowned as he gulped some of the beer down. I smirked.

"Speaking of the DJ..." I walked by the pair of guys and made my way towards the entrance of the house. I wasn't going to waste the one night I got out of that house.

"Don't hurt yourself, Alex!" I rolled my eyes as Shiloh shouted that from behind me, it was followed by laughing from both him and Sergio. I tried not to focus on how Sergio's laugh was just contagious, but it was too hard so I just listened to it fade while I walked away and the music became louder.

I hoped Shiloh would not say a word to Sergio or let a hint slip that he knew anything.

I felt relieved that I was not lying to at least one of my closest friends now but also I felt horrible because I knew he would be dragged into it if Sergio or someone else found out I had told him.

The Lord's Favourite Dealer (BoyxBoy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ