"Are you alright?" He sounded worried. I looked at Aiden who was running to get to me. He placed a hand on my cheek to get me to look at him.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." I answered Aiden's pleading eyes. He smiled sadly.

"What is it?" Coach asked as serious as ever.

"Nothing. It's just I..." I was cut off quickly.

"Aiden, help him." He ordered before he left. I looked at Aiden and we walked to the locker room without a word, but it was neither uncomfortable nor pleasant. In real world we never really needed to say so many words around each other.

He opened the medicine cabinet in the locker room, got the spray out and he gave it a good shake looking at me. I sat there on the bench in front of him, my legs either side of the bench. He went behind me and opened he cap with a pop. The sound echoed throughout the locker room. He caught my shirt on the hem and started to pull it out slowly. I didn't protest. Though it was no first time that I would be shirtless in front of him, I felt self conscious, his hands leaving a burning sensation wherever they touched. The cool spray against my burning skin was soothing. I cracked my neck a few moments later and it felt good as new.

"Are you fine now?" Aiden asked me from behind making me shiver, handing me the shirt back.

"Yeah," I responded. "So, how do you know I snapped my neck?"

"What do you mean? Your voice echoed through the field."

"What?!" I said looking at him, he only gave a small smile in response. "Great! Come on. We have to go back to the practice now." I said getting up.

"Oh! Someone's getting interested in practice day by day." His tone was something that I didn't like, it sounded like it was indicating something else entirely. I didn't answer him, but got out of the locker room with Aiden on my toe almost dragging him across the field. Rick, Emmett came near us as Sky approached with water bottle in his hand.

"Are you all right now?" Sky asked.

People worried too much about small things. "Yes, Sky." I said smiling and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Let's get back to where we left off." Emmett said removing my hand and also took the bottle with him. He took water from a thirsty person, he was definately going to burn in hell.

We went back to practices. Sky was sitting on the bench quietly as usual. There was something about this boy. He was like a little brother to me from the day we first met, to Ethan also.

After practice, Ethan came to the field that day too. Rick and I was discussing about my defence. Ethan was coming everyday for a week, either it was for Sally or just watching everyone practice, specially me. After all I'm his twin. Of course I mattered more than anyone.

"What are you doing here?" Rick asked first.

"Baby!" Sally came running to Ethan and hung herself from his neck before Rick could answer him. Woah! Poor Eth! Ethan glanced at Rick past me and he turned his head away as Amy came to him too.

Where were they, not a moment ago? How come they came so fast and most importantly from where?! But, the expression on the two boys' face was priceless. They were embarrassed and at the same time angry with each other or is it jealousy? Definately, somethings going on between them. "Really?!"

"What 'really'?" Aiden asked coming beside me.

"What?" I asked. He frowned. Well, I was also confused what he was talking about or if I could tell him, yet.

"You're really weird, bro." He slapped on my back and I stumbled into Rick's arms. It wasn't as if I was weak, I was just a little drained out after the practice.

"Are you okay?" Rick asked. People asked if I was okay way too many times. It was actually getting irritating.

"Yeah, thanks." I assured him.

"Oh God, Enid! I'm so sorry." Aiden said grabbing me and steadying me up.

I put up a hand to him. "It's okay. Let's go." Then I looking at everyone, bade them goodbye. Everyone said byes to us too. Ethan and Rick also came behind us to drop their respective girlfriends at their homes.

"We went to Aiden's car and got in. He drove off from school parking lot. He was too quiet for his own nature.

"Hey," I said sleepily as my eyes were shutting close slowly. I put my hand on his as he wasn't saying anything. He flinched away. 'What the hell!'

"So sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. Sorry." I repeated in a low voice.

"No, it's okay. I was just thinking." He said calmly.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He said smiling a bit.

"Are you sure?"


"Cent percent?" I asked dragging each word.


"Really?" I asked skeptically.
He looked at me, we both smiled. I was satisfied. Now he looked less stressed. "I know you're stressed about the games, about me, but don't put too much pressure on yourself. Rick'll handle most of it." His grip on the wheel tightened.

"Anyway, sorry for pushing you." Aiden said sighing.

"No, you didn't push me. It wasn't your fault. Don't beat yourself up. It was just an accident." My voice was drifting and everything was blacked. I was off to my dream land. I was sure I was gonna dream about Aiden, my best friend from childhood days, as usual. And I couldn't keep him out of my dreams no matter how much I tried.

Loving My Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now