#19. Finding Saasha!

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I was terrified. What am I going to do now?! Where is he taking the bag?

"Wait!" the word slipped from my mouth. Oops.

"Uh? What?" he asked.

"Umm...err... Where...where are you going?" I asked.

"Argh...I hoped you wouldn't ask but...err...I'm going to get Saasha back." he said.

"Oh... OK. Bye." I said.

Phew! I managed the situation. WAIT!! WHAT?! Get Saasha back?! Isn't she...dead...or or...wait...I don't know! Is she alive?! She's going to GET her?! He means like kill her or save her?! He's probably going to kill her and get rid of the clues I found... Oh my God! I should follow him.

I heard his bike start and I wondered how I'm going to follow him. I looked around for a weapon. All I found was a bottle of anaesthetic. I ran to the back yard hoping I would at least find a cycle. All I saw was a transport truck. Before I knew it, I was in the driver seat trying to start the truck. And zoom! I was hitting the road in no time! I was following him at a distance lest he sees me. He drove somewhere far away, the road bound by trees and fields on both sides. Clearly he was going somewhere away from the city. The steering was too hard and I had my own doubts about the brakes. I don't know how to change the gear but I was managing. Hope I am not doing flashy driving out here. I don't want to be noticeable!

In the distance was a factory and I guessed he was driving there. I slowed down the truck and let him lead on. He went to the factory as I thought. I parked the truck...no, more correctly... collided the truck into a stack of hay and papers and followed him into the factory.

"Saasha!" he called out. "Are you here? Come out!"

He ran deeper into the factory building where there were huge stacks of paper and called out louder "Saasha! Come out! Where the hell are you?!"

And as he called her repeatedly I heard some shuffling sound from behind the stacks and I caught glimpse of Saasha. I think. Just a glimpse. The noise startled Abhi and he quickly drew out the butcher's knife.

From behind one of the stacks Saasha peeped out. Abhi was on his mark and anger filled his eyes.

"You bastard! Die!" he said and stared her way. He was going to kill Saasha! But there should be another way to sort things out! Was he lying again about protecting Saasha? Maybe he did it to make me believe him. I bet he was going to finish off Saasha and come back to the warehouse and finish me off! I can't believe I was once his apprentice. All I wanted to do now was save Saasha... and myself!

I took off my dupatta folded it many times and emptied quarter of the bottle of anaesthetic into it. I approached Abhi from behind and pressed the cloth against his mouth. He became unsteady and slashed the air with the butcher's knife and finally fell to the ground. His last words were... "You...fool."

I looked up at Saasha and then I realised the meaning of Abhi's last words. Saasha was not alone.


Surprise! Lol... Here's the major twist... Keep reading !

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