#17. Discovery.

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Meanwhile back at the house....

"Hello? Sir, we lost her... And she might have found something." spoke one of the henchmen.

"You idiots! Good for nothing! I am screwed if she finds out its me... Fine...no choice. I'll kill her. Leave it to me and don't ever get caught in my sight!" said a voice over the phone and hung up.

I was sitting on a wooden box in a warehouse and there were computers and cables on a table set at the farther and of the room. I was waiting for Abhi to come back from the rest room, for I had many questions to throw at him. Finally after ten minutes he arrived.

"Where were you so long?!" I asked. I sat at the edge of my seat and cleared my throat.

"Was on a call." He replied.

"I need to ask you something man..." I said.

"Hmm hmm... Shoot!" he said.

"Hey... If you knew the pendant was the key, why did you give it to me?" I asked.

"I didn't know about it at first, silly! When you fell down the stairs that day I saw a similar pendant on your neck and I didn't want you to get framed. So I gave it to you." He said.

"Wait....if you aren't police then how did you get to find the body?" I asked.

"Oh come on...I was there in the playground , remember? I was watching over Saasha." He replied.

"Then you should have seen the murder!" I exclaimed.

"No idiot. Even you were there when Saayudh left, weren't you? I came back in the morning to find his body. I removed the chain before calling the police." he said.

"Oh. Great job. I'm in a bigger mess now. If you had left the chain where it was, I could have even proved myself innocent by showing them mine..." I disappointedly said.

"You know... I should have stolen yours and thrown it near the body, Ms. Ever Greatful!" he smirked.

Time elapsed as he sat and thought what we should do next. I was bored and I decided to look into Facebook on my mobile , and there I saw a message...The twist in my life... a message from the authorities... 'We have caught on camera the figure of the person who barged into the girls hostel on the night of the show. Below is the picture we have obtained' and the picture showed Abhilash getting out of his bike and holding a white mask. He must have come there to get the pendant whilst I was out! Facebook always was never friendly with me. A wave of shock ran up my spine as I realised I was in an isolated warehouse with the killer by my side.


I think this is a pretty short one... The story is going to end soon so thanks for having patience to read upto this point !

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