Chapter Fourteen

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Rebekah and Dalia were just pulling up outside the house, Dalia had on her dress that she'd gotten in the store and jewelry. She smiled seeing a shadow pass in the living room window, she assumed it was Klaus waiting to take her out. Getting out of the car she closed the door and fixed her dress , flating out any wrinkles from sitting down. Rebekah shook her head happily and locked the car before she walked up to the door with Dalia. Dalia pushed her curls back, making sure she looked nice before Rebekah opened the door.

"Nik, I hope you're ready beca...." Rebekah trailed off walking into the living room seeing the mess. Confused at the unfinished question Dalia left the front door and walked to stand next to Rebekah. 

"Klaus?" Dalia asked looking up at him "What happened?" she questioned, her eyes scanning over everything. 

The body of the girl was still there, she was dead by now but the blood that had been around her had been cleaned up. "Sorry for the mess we had a little trouble" Kol said walking passed Dalia, he smiled softly at her and picked up the girl's body taking her out of site.

Klaus was crunching the glass under his shoes angrily, his nose scrunched as he exhaled heavily.

"Klaus, I asked what happened?" Dalia repeeated stepping forward, Rebekah grabbed her arm gently.

"Don't" she warned her.

Dalia pulled her arm out of her grip "Niklaus!" she said annoyed that he was ignoring her.

He looked up at her his eyes full of rage "Where's your phone?" he snarled.

"Why ?" she asked grabbing her handbag, Klaus looked down at her holding the bag tightly. He blurred over to her and pulled the bag from her, he took out her phone and snapped it in half "Klaus?" she shouted "What the hell ?"

"You aren't to call anyone whilst in this house" he said pulling her by the arm to the stairs "You are here for Hybrids nothing more"

"Nik" Rebekah yelled walking after him

Dalia winced as he tightened his grip "Niklaus that hurts" she whimpered, she was using his full name. She did this when she was pissed off at him or angry.

"I don't care, you are going to get hurt Dalia" he said walking starting to walk up the stairs "I will be making more Hybrids with your blood and when I have enough I will dispose of you"

"Like you told Katherine" she yelled, he looked at her shocked and stopped walking "Yeah, I heard your little conversation. The only person I thought cared about me, who was family, betrayed me. I'm sure you know how that feels, right?" she questioned, he slowly let her hand go. "Actually I'm sure you don't you were never daggered by your own brother" she spat, tears forming in her eyes "Kol was my brother, he was yours. Then you killed him, so I had Katerina and she hated me for leaving so I was alone all over again. So go ahead and kill me" she yelled running up the stairs angrily.

"Dalia, don't...

"No Niklaus you don't" she said turning when she reached the top of the stairs "I was actually starting to like you, treat you like a nice person. Rebekah said you were bringing me out and that made me happy. But you've snapped my phone in half and hurt me" she stomped into her room slamming the door.

Klaus stood at the stairs, Rebekah was at the end of the steps looking at him disappointedly. "Well done Nik, the one girl who actually starts to find the good in you that you once had. Saw the Hybrid crazy you and ruined it" 

"He showed up here" he said turning to face her "Tyler wanted to take her away from me, I thought she called him and told him where we were"

Kol walked back dusting himself off "So Nik how long will you be out for?" he asked standing by Rebekah, Klaus looked at Kol and back to her, Rebekah pursed her lips and walked off. Kol watched her walk away.

"What did you say to our darling sister this time ?" he smirked sarcastically.

Klaus looked down "I broke Dalia's phone and hurt her"

Kol raised an eyebrow "You hurt her!" he repeated. Not waiting for any clarification he hastily walked up the stairs and pushed passed Klaus.

"What are you doing ?" Klaus asked looking at Kol's back as he walked away.

"Checking on her" he said annoyed at his brother. Once he reached and knocked on it softly "Dalia" he said calmly.

She opened the door, her head resting on the door frame "What Kol ?" she asked wiping away a tear.

Kol slowly walked in closing the door behind him "Where did he hurt you ?" he asked.

"I'm fine" she shrugged.

Kol's gaze dropped as he saw the bruises on her arm "He didn't mean it Dalia" he sighed.

"You're defending him?" she asked in disbelief "After he daggered you? I brought you back Kol and you take his side over mine?"

"Dalia, Tyler showed up here" 

"Ty?" she asked, a smile crept on to the corner of her lips "He came to get me?"

Kol put his hand on her shoulders "You know Nik has anger problems, he's protective over you Dalia"

She shook her head "I'm not his to protective, nor am I yours or anyone else's" she said pushing his hands away "I'm not mad with you Kol, but please get out"

Kol nodded understanding that she was upset right now, so walked out of the room without any hassle. Dalia moved to sit at the end of her bed she pulled off her heels and threw them to the side. She put her head in her hands and images of Ty and Niklaus popped into her head. 

Boarding house-----

Damon, Stefan and Tyler all walked into the boarding house with rather sour looks on their faces. Damon blurred down stairs to get a blood bag so his stomach would heal quicker. Tyler walked to the living room and kicked the couch frustrated and slightly sad at what Klaus said, that Dalia hadn't asked about him and was happy with Klaus. Stefan walked over to him, wanting to check if he was alright.

"Tyler we can try again" he nodded reassuringly, they heard footsteps  and Elena walked into the room.

"Where is she ?" she asked "Where's Dalia ?"

"Still with them" Tyler sighed plopping onto the couch with a huff.

Elena looked at Stefan, she knew Tyler was sad. She walked over to him sitting beside him.

"Tyler we'll get her back and I'm going to help" she smiled patting his leg.

Tyler looked up at her hopefully. Seeing the determined look on her face he smiled lightly. "Thank you Elena"

Damon blurred in by his brother "What's going on ?" he whispered sipping his bag.

"Elena wants to help" Stefan said folding his hands.

Damon shook his head "Nope, you aren't coming"

"Damon, Elena know's what she's doing" Stefan said smiling at Elena encouragingly.

"And I have an idea" she smirked proudly.

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