Chapter Twenty-Eight

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After Klaus left and Dalia had retreated to bed she, unfortunately, didn't drift into a peaceful slumber. She would continuously wake through the night and struggle to get back to sleep, assuming it was to do with the events of that night. Admittedly apart of her was happy to see Niklaus, but that part was slim after everything that had happened. Slowly sitting up in her bed she looked down to the hand she had healed last night and sighed. Her gaze didn't remain on her palm for long as there was a knock on the door. 
"Come in" she called pushing her hair back. 
The door opened and in walked Damon, a small smile on his lips. "You look good when you're just awake" he playfully teased. 
Dalia gave him a sarcastic smile before running her hand over her face, pinching her nose as she tried to wake herself. "You need something loverboy or just come to fawn over me?" 
Damon chuckled at her words and leaned against the dresser in the room, "I thought we could hang out today"
Dalia moved her hand from her nose and arch an eyebrow at him, "Who's we?"
Damon smirked at her suspicion. "You, me...." he answered nonchalantly, before continuing with a grin. "And Elena, Bonnie, Jeremy, Stefan"
Dalia hummed at him and shook her head amused as she hopped out of bed. She began to walk towards her bathroom and Damon followed behind, getting to the door as Dalia started to brush her teeth. "I thought it would be a nice idea, now that the Mikaelson's are finally out of our hair, we can relax" he grinned happily, unbeknownst to the little run-in Dalia had last night. 
Dalia finished brushing her teeth and turned to face the elder Salvatore. "Sounds good" she shrugged, deciding she didn't mind the idea of hanging out with everyone. As she left the bathroom Damon once again follow suit. 
"Were you okay last night?" Damon asked, folding his arms across his chest. 
Dalia furrowed her eyebrows and looked over her shoulder at him, "Yeah, why?"
"I heard you last night waking up, wandering around. Nightmares too, do you remember them?"
Dalia looked at him slightly surprised, she obviously remembered waking up and wandering around her room in an attempt to tire herself out, but she had no recollection of any nightmares. She shook her head in response to Damon. 
"Probably best you don't" Damon advised, giving a half-hearted smile. "Anyway, we're all downstairs when you're ready" he said, turning to head out of her room. 
"Everyone's already here?" 
"It's 1 in the afternoon Dalia" Damon chuckled. Dalia's eyes went wide astonished that she had slept in so late. Damon bobbed his head side to side, "I may have slipped you a sleeping pill at some point, your footsteps were disturbing me" he smirked. 
Dalia pursed her lips to suppress the smirk that threatened to show, "It wouldn't have been because you care about me getting a good night sleep would it?"
"Not at all" Damon sarcastically replied before finally leaving. 

With privacy restored Dalia got dressed in some casual clothes for a day in the house with people she could actually and surprisingly called friends. For a change, she decided to tie her hair into a ponytail before grabbing her phone and finally heading downstairs. As she descended the staircase she could hear all the different voices, chatting amongst one another in friendly banter. Reaching the living room she broke up the chatting as she greeted everyone. 
"You're awake" Stefan teased with a bright smile. 
Dalia rolled her eyes at him as she made her way over to the couch and sat next to Damon. 
"I'm glad the Mikaeslon's are finally out of our hair" Elena sighed relieved. 
"Thanks for that Dalia" Jeremy nodded flashing her a smile. 
Dalia smiled back, though felt awkward seeing as she had been the one to involve the gang with the Originals once again. 
"Can I ask you something?" Bonnie piped up as she turned to face the older doppelganger. "Elena told us about when Kol and Klaus showed up here, Kol said you brought him back. 
Dalia nodded. "I have been 100% honest with you guys. The reason I have powers is because I'm a traveler. I didn't bring Kol back with my own magic though. I did a spell to let a group of witches know it was time to do the group resurrection spell. Kol was my best friend, the only one of the Mikaelson's I could trust at the time" 
"Good to know if one of us dies we have you and your witchy friends to bring us back, don't just have to rely on BonBon anymore" Damon teased his friends. 
"Damon" Elena scolded him, though Dalia was quick to shrug it off. 
"Damon is another one of my best friends and just as much of an ass as the other. I'd have no doubts about bringing him back if needed"
"Comparing me to Kol? Low" Damon nodded, feigning offense. 
The group then began to chat again, funny comments being made, general catch ups, it was something Dalia was by no means used to, but she was certainly enjoying it. 

Meanwhile at the Mikaelsons

Kol poured himself another drink, he turned around and looked at the living room. Empty. Quiet. That's what the mansion had become now. Elijah would stay in his room, having nothing to do. He didn't have to look after his siblings since they didn't get up to much. Rebekah would go shopping, or just stay in. Kol drank, he drank and drank trying to drown his thoughts. And then Klaus, well, he was the worst.
Kol pulled his phone from his pocket and checked it. No messages and no calls. He blew out a sigh and shook his head, before taking another sip of his drink. He walked from the living room and blurred to the study. The door was closed, Klaus had been spending all his time in there since they had gotten back to the house. Kol knocked on the door, his glass of bourbon in his other hand.
"Nik" he called through the door, "Nik"
He used his free hand and opened the door and walked inside, seeing Klaus sitting on an armchair. He was staring at the floor, his fist up to his mouth as he remained silent. Kol closed the door behind him and walked over to Klaus.
"Here" he said pulling a blood bag from his back pocket and placing it on the little table next to the armchair. "You mightn't care, but I don't want you to desiccate so drink it"
Klaus didn't move his gaze from the ground nor did he say a word.
Kol turned from his brother and gazed around the study "I've never really been in here" he said as he began to strolled slowly "Then again, books aren't really my thing" he shrugged.
He shifted his gaze when he saw a sheet covering something, held up by an easel. He couldn't only assume it was a canvas and Klaus had thrown the sheet up to cover it. Kol began to walk over to it quietly and held out his hand to lift the sheet.
"Don't touch it" Klaus said, finally breaking his silence.
Kol looked over his shoulder, Klaus was still in the same position. "What is it?" Kol asked looking back to the sheet, moving his hand to his side.
Kol huffed and turned around, blurring in front of his brother "I don't care what you paint when I'm not here, but you better drink that" he said pointing to the blood bag. "I don't want to come in here again in a week and see you stood up, holding a paintbrush and desiccated on the spot" he smirked, before leaving the room.
Klaus ran his hand over his face stressfully as he exhaled. He turned his gaze to the blood bag, he opened it before drinking it and leaving the empty bag back on the table. Pushing himself up from the armchair he walked over to the canvas and reached out to swiftly removed the sheet. He looked at the canvas and grabbed the paintbrush and pallet, continuing what he had set his mind on.

Back at the Boarding House

"I'm gonna get a drink" Dalia told the group as she got up from the couch. She walked into the kitchen and pulled her hair down from its ponytail. Grabbing herself a glass and poured herself some water. Taking a sip of the drink she reached into her pocket and took out her phone. Placing the glass on the island she leaned onto her elbows as she stared at her phone screen. Nimble fingers clicked to create a message and she searched K in her contacts before clicking on Klaus. She looked at the blank space where she would type her message and huffed. 
The brunette whipped around to see who had spoke, simultaneously tucking her phone into the back pocket of her jeans. It was Bonnie. "Yeah?" Dalia asked, raising her brows. 
"I wanted to tell you" Bonnie began as she crossed her arms. "Tyler told me why you came here" Dalia's jaw clenched, she was ready to blurt excuses and apologies but Bonnie spoke again before she could. "I'm not mad"
Dalia was taken back for a moment, then again this seemed very much the type of thing the infamous Bennett witch would do; take the high road. "Katherine is a manipulative and horrible person, it's not your fault that she made you believe I was bad" 
Dalia looked away from the witch for a moment before giving her a slight smile, "Thank you" Dalia was grateful that she wasn't being held accountable for what she almost did due to Katherine abusing Dalia's truth. Bonnie smiled before leaving the room again. Turning back to face the island Dalia grabbed her phone again and unlocked it, looking at where she had left off; Klaus in the contact bar but the message blank. She shook her head and canceled the draft. Taking her glass of water she made her way back to the living room to continue her nice day with the Mystic residents.

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