Chapter Thirty-Four

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Dalia's hand rose to rub at her tired eyes before opening them. Her gaze landed on a familiar room, though not her own; it was Kol's, having gone to his bed the night prior with him. Exhaling lightly she sat up in the bed, pushing her hair behind her shoulders. 
Looking over her shoulder she saw Kol whose head was resting on the headboard as he placed his phone that he'd been scrolling on to the side. Smiling lightly she greeted him, "Hey."
"Sleep well?" he asked, pushing himself up to mimic her position. 
Dalia nodded sleepily and brought her knees to her chest before wrapping her arms around them. "We made the right choice."
"Definitely." Kol agreed, pulling the covers off. "Hungry?"
Shoulders rose and fell as Dalia shrugged in response. "I guess I could eat. But I'm fixing you up something to return the favour from yesterday."
"Breakfast in bed?"
"Don't push it." she chuckled, getting out of the bed. 

Once dressed and looking semi-decent, Dalia was heading for the kitchen, though on the way spotted sitting Rebekah in the living room, and stopped to talk to her. "Hey, how'd yesterday go?" she asked from the doorway, arms folding over her chest.
"I could ask you the same." Rebekah replied monotony, as she flipped through her magazine.
Dalia furrowed her eyebrows, "What?"
Huffing, Rebekah looked at the doppelganger for a moment before standing to her feet. "There are not many people Nik likes or trusts, but you were one of them." Dalia noticed the emphasis on the word 'were', but she didn't get the chance to question Bekah as she disappeared at vampire speed. 
Befuddled and annoyed at the runner, Dalia scoffed before continuing to the kitchen. Filling her hands with food from the fridge to make herself and Kol breakfast, Dalia noticed the presence of someone else in the kitchen and turned to look. Seeing Elijah she decided to ask, "Hey, what's wrong with Bekah?"
Elijah seemed to ponder on his answer. Dalia once again furrowed her eyebrows, wondering why the siblings were acting odd. Closing the fridge with her elbow she turned to face Elijah as he shook his head. "Just ignore her Dalia, she's prying in business that is not ours to pry."
She was now more confused than she already was, though decided to change the topic. "Where's Klaus?" 
The Original lowered his gaze and pursed his lips. "In the study," he answered before beginning out of the room. His reaction alarmed Dalia, and so she quickly put the food back in the fridge before strutting to the study. When she reached the door she tried the handle, but it was locked. "Klaus?" she called before knocking on the wood. "I know you're in there, Elijah told me so you might as well open the door because I'm not leaving." She smirked, expecting to hear the sound of the door unlocking, but there was nothing. "Klaus, c'mon." she huffed, hitting the door once with her open palm.
"Go away!"
Klaus's yell from behind the door made Dalia jump and it seemed to grab the attention of everyone else because in the blink of an eye both Elijah and Rebekah were by her side. 
"Perhaps you should leave him be Dalia." Elijah attempted to advise her. 
"Why is he being like this? Did something happen yesterday?"
Rebekah scoffed and shook her head causing Elijah to reprimand her. "Rebekah." 
"What's going on?" Kol asked, reaching the bottom of the staircase. "Are we plotting something?" he asked playfully as he neared them. 
"You've caused enough trouble as it is Kol, go back upstairs," Rebekah muttered, shooting daggers at her brother. 
Suddenly the study door flew open with Klaus standing in the doorway, his attention directed towards his siblings. "Leave, the three of you," he ordered them, his eyes lingering on Kol for a moment. "And I'd be happy if you didn't return."
"Niklaus!" Dalia chided. Kol was her best friend, and Klaus's brother, she didn't know why he was acting like this all of a sudden.
"I want to talk with Dalia alone. All of you go far beyond eavesdropping range... Now!" The exclamation caused the three siblings to vanish, no ifs or buts lying in wait. 
"Okay, well you please tell me what the hell is going on?!" Dalia exasperated, now the others were gone.
"I saw you,"
"Gonna need a bit more than that," she prompted with a nod. 
Klaus slowly looked at her, his face blank. "In Kol's bed,"
The next sound was Dalia's laughter, which both confused and angered Klaus. "Do not laugh at me!" he barked, stepping towards her. 
Dalia's laughter stopped, as she stared up at the angry Original, her now angry that he'd shouted at her like that. "You saw me in Kol's bed, so what?!" she rebutted, surprising Klaus. "You think we slept together? So what if we did? I am a single woman, I can sleep with whoever the hell I damn well want to! My sexual escapades are none of your damn business and you've no right to act this way towards me because of them!"
As soon as Dalia had begun to stand her ground, Klaus backed down. His anger fizzled out and he realised that she was right, he had no reason to act this way, none in the slightest. They weren't a couple and while yes, he liked her, really liked her, he'd not even communicated that to her. He lowered his head like a puppy that had been scolded. "I'm sorry."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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