Chapter Three

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Dalia strut through the halls of the high school, she passed by many students thought didn't pay any attention to them. The school was typical to any other, not that she tended to visit many, but she wasn't dilly-dallying around to get a feel for the place, she was looking for somewhere specific and it wasn't long until she found it. Making her way into the office, she strolled to the receptionist and put on her best, fake sweet smile.

Hearing the footsteps, the receptionist looked up from her computer, and a smile formed on her lips to match that of Dalia's. "Ms. Gilbert, how can I help you?"

"Hi, I know this might sound a little silly but I've misplaced my schedule" she began, faking an embarrassed look on her face. "I know you'd think I'd have it memorized by now, but things have been a little stressful" she lied smoothly, her expression softening which of course worked to get sympathy from the lady.

"Oh that's okay dear, I'll print you off another" the woman assured her as she began typing onto her computer and in less than two minutes Dalia held Elena's schedule in her hands.

"Thanks so much" she smiled before turning on her heels and walking away. Once her back was turned the smile fell from her lips, lying was easy for her but she didn't like having to pretend to be nice. It wasn't really her thing. Looking down at what Elena had Dalia made sure to avoid it, so there wouldn't be two 'Elenas' in a class. Plus it would be easy to hide down the back of some other class without a teacher noticing her and if they did, well she would lie of course. Turning the corner she entered one of the classrooms, not yet in session. A smirk came to her lips as she saw Caroline and walked over to her. "Hey Caroline"

"Elen?" Caroline was about to question before pausing. "Oh, it's you... Daria?" she pretended to guess, saying the wrong name purposefully.

"Dalia" she corrected her abruptly.

"What are you doing here?" Caroline asked, trying to be sassy though it had no effect on Dalia. "Stefan told me about you..."

"All good things I hope" Dalia replied sarcastically as she took a seat behind Caroline. "So Elena's in French right now?"

"Yup" Caroline said, popping the p already fed up with the conversation.

"The language of love" she said sarcastically rolling her eyes. "So... which of the guys around here are free?" she asked sitting back in her chair

"A lot" Caroline said "But none that would date you" she remarked

"And why not?" she asked "I mean if someone dated you they must have been desperate, for me it would be a treat" she smirked

Caroline turned in her seat looked back at Dalia, shocked.

"What? Not expecting someone to talk back" Dalia teased "Listen Caroline, I may be a human. But I'm much smarter than you and I've survived a lot longer on my own, than you have with your little friends. You don't want to get on my bad side" she both threatened and advised the blonde before sitting back in her chair. Caroline felt her sassiness slip away and instead was replaced with a face of worry and paranoia as she turned back to face the board and slumped down in her seat. At the end of class Dalia got up from her seat and stood in front of Caroline's desk while she was bending down to her bag. Once she looked up a light gasp left her lips not expecting to see Dalia directly in front of her. "Tell Stefan I'm looking for him" Dalia said before turning to leave.

"Why would I do anything for you" Caroline scoffed.

Dalia stopped in her spot and spun around slamming her hands on Caroline's table which caused Caroline to jump slightly surprised at the sudden noise. "Even though you're a vampire you're more afraid of me than I am of you" Dalia taunted menacingly. "All I'm asking is you tell him, I don't want trouble... so stop looking for some" she warned her before moving her hands and finally exiting the class.

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