Chapter Thirty-Three

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After texting Damon the night prior, Dalia had drifted off and slept well compared to the night before. Her mind was a bit more at peace it seemed, having at least messaged one of her friends back. Unfortunately, her blissful slumber was disrupted rudely by a banging sound. Dalia groaned and looked groggily for the source of the noise, and there stood Kol at the end of her bed banging a wooden spoon against a pot. "Seriously?!"
"C'mon darling, you're not staying in bed all day," he shouted over his banging. 
Grabbing the pillow beside her Dalia wrapped it around her head in an attempt to muffle the noise. But, this only prompted Kol to stand directly over her and continue. Dalia threw the pillow to her lap and narrowed her eyes. "Kol!"
The Original placed the pot and wooden spoon behind his back as he smiled tauntingly down at her. "Yes?" At him feigning an innocent look Dalia fought back a smile and maintained her narrowed eyes. "Breakfast is ready." Kol placed a kiss atop her hair and began to make his exit as silence filled her bedroom again. Though it didn't last long as once his body was out of the door, he reached both arms back inside to back the spoon and pots a few more times, before finally heading downstairs. 

Dalia rubbed her eyes as she forced herself to sit up. That was certainly the most annoying, and admittedly entertaining, way she'd been woken in a while. Not bothered to get dressed yet knowing it was just her and Kol in the house today, Dalia pocketed her phone in her joggers and left her room. The smell of breakfast hit her nostrils as she reached the end of the staircase. What was that? Sausages? Bacon? She wasn't left wondering long as upon entering the kitchen she saw the breakfast laid out on the table. Kol had really given it his all, sausages, bacon, toast, egg, with everything else she could see it was basically a full English. As she passed the table she made her way over to Kol who stood pouring tea. Once by his side, she reached up to peck his cheek. "Thank you."
Kol smiled as Dalia made her way to the table. "You're welcome, least I could do for you," he said as he placed the cups of tea down before sitting opposite her. 
"Yeah, I suppose this is a start. I mean, you do still have a long way to go if you wanna repay me for resurrecting you." She watched as Kol rolled his eyes playfully whilst he tucked into his food and she soon did the same. 
It didn't take too long before both were done and all that remained were a few crumbs on each plate. Kol took their dishes and placed them in the sink, intending to take care of them later. 
"So, what're we going to do for the day?" Dalia asked, pushing her chair into the table. 
Kol leaned against the counter by the sink, arms resting atop the marble. "We, are going to relax. It's not often a Mikaelson gets a day off... especially with their best friend." 
Dalia pretended to look around the room for his "best friend", before eventually pointing at herself and raising her brows. Kol strolled towards her and draped his arm over her shoulder, beginning to guide her. "What're you doing?" she asked, wrapping her arm around his torso.
"Well, we have a big-screen TV and I have not yet once watched it since my return," he pointed out as they reached the living room. Grabbing the remote he handed it to her, "Pick a movie."
Dalia rose an eyebrow at Kol as he threw himself onto the couch. "That's what we're doing?" Kol slowly nodded, resting his ankle atop his knee. "Best idea you've had in a while Mikaelson." Dalia smiled as she plopped herself next to Kol and began to flick around until she found a movie.

*Hours later*

"Huh?" Dalia asked, having to pry her eyes from the screen to look at Kol. 
"Drink? We have bourbon, which I know you don't like sooo, gin, red wine, white wi-"
"Gin," Dalia interrupted him, eyes snapping back to the movie. 
"Eager much," Kol teased with a chuckle as he moved to make the drinks.
"No," she drawled. "Just enjoying the movie," she told, leaning forward with her elbows resting on her knees, and her chin atop her fists, watching the movie intently. 
Kol looked back at Dalia from the drinks cabinet and couldn't help but smile. He was truly grateful for her, for their friendship, for many things. The big one was bringing him back as she had earlier reminded him. Kol was as dangerous as everyone perceived him to be, but Dalia was one person he could never hurt. He watched out for her, she kept him stable and that went both ways. Turning his attention back to the drinks he poured them their respective beverages. As he began to head back to the sofa, he saw the credits rolling. "It's over?"
"You missed the end because you were too busy with the drinks you alcoholic," she teased. 
"Well then I guess you don't want yours," he shrugged, sitting down and pretending to sip from her drink. 
"No, no I'm sorry," Dalia laughed reaching across him to grab her glass.
Kol chuckled as she grabbed the glass, allowing both to take a drink. "Klaus should be back soon." Kol began as he leaned forward to place down his drink. "He said he'd make the trip as quick as he could. God forbid you're stuck an entire day with me," he joked
"Well I had fun today and we didn't even leave the house so thank you for that." Dalia placed her drink akin his and smiled as she sat back turning to face Kol slightly. 
"No problem darling, after all, you've done a lot for me through the years.
"I know I joked about it earlier but, you really don't owe me anything. You've been here for me and that's exactly what I needed." Smiling again she moved to embrace Kol, her arms wrapping around his neck, his around her torso. "I don't know where I'd be without you Kol."
"You would've been fine," he breathed, rubbing her back as they hugged.

Dalia tightened her grip on him to pull him closer. Kol was the one person in the world that for years had kept her trust. She'd thought that title belonged to Katherine, but that bitch proved she really was only out for herself. Katherine would cheat, lie, manipulate, kill, do anything to save her own ass and not care about the destruction she left in her wake. After the time spent with her ancestor, Dalia had almost ended up that way too, but she wasn't Katherine. They shared a face, they were distant family, but they were not the same person. Dalia didn't need Katherine in her life, and although she didn't need Kol either so to speak, she wanted him around. "I love you Mikaelson" she breathed lightly, resting her head on his shoulder.
"И аз те обичам Dalia" (I love you too Dalia) Kol responded in Bulgarian.
She smiled and pulled out of the hug. Kol held a sideways grin as he held her face, his thumb caressing her cheek. Both were examining the other's face for a moment before their brown eyes met. Soon Kol found himself slowly learning in, and while Dalia noticed, she didn't move away. Eyes closed just before their lips met.

*A while later*

Klaus twisted the key in the front door and walked inside, Rebekah and Elijah entering behind him. 
"I need a drink after that," Rebekah huffed as she walked straight into the living room, her brothers silently agreeing as they followed in her footsteps. Entering the room Klaus was the first to notice the TV was left on. Moving towards the coffee table to grab the remote, he noticed two glasses, both still holding some liquid. He switched off the TV before turning to face his siblings, "Where's Dalia?" he wondered as he started out of the room. 
Of course Rebekah and Elijah replied that they didn't know and continued to get their drinks as Klaus exited the room. 
The Original disappeared in a blur until he was stood outside Dalia's bedroom door, assuming she was asleep. But when he opened the door and looked inside, the room was empty, and admittedly some worry sunk in. Back in the hallway, his eyes scanned around before landing on Kol's bedroom, the door of which was cracked open. Nearing the door Klaus peered inside and instantly wished he hadn't. Dalia asleep on one side of the bed, Kol on the other. The hybrid clenched his jaw, his blank stare falling downwards. A huff flared his nostrils as he spun around and stormed off, reaching the bottom of the stairs he marched into the study and locked the door behind him. 

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