Chapter Twenty-One

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The next day Tyler woke up, got dressed, and headed straight over to the boarding house. Once he reached the door he decided to knock and wait, even though at this stage it probably was acceptable for him to let himself in. Waiting with his hands tucked into his pocket his eyes landed on a sleepy-eyed Damon with messy hair opening the door. Tyler chuckled at his appearance walking in as Damon stepped aside. "Late night?" Tyler asked with a smirk.
"Yeah" Damon replied as he closed the front door. "Had a little fun with a certain doppelganger" he grinned walking past Tyler and winking. Tyler's brows knotted together as he looked at Damon. Noticing the look Tyler was giving him Damon furrowed his own brows, "Elena" he clarified, tilting his head forward. "Don't worry Dalia isn't my type of girl" he smirked.
Tyler grinned amused, "You mean Dalia rejected you" "Shut up" Damon muttered as he walked into the living room.
"Your girlfriend's upstairs" he teased the teen before taking a seat on the couch.
Tyler rolled his eyes at Damon playfully before he walked up the stairs and to Dalia's door, knocking on it.
Upon hearing the knock Dalia awoke from her slumber groaning tiredly. "Come in" she called, quickly rubbing her eyes and sitting up in the bed. Tyler opened the door and peaked his head in first, as his eyes made their way to Dalia a small smile formed. Dalia was quick to match his smile as she saw him. "Hey" she said in a sleepy voice. "What're you doing here?"
Making his way into the room and closing the door behind himself he then began to walk towards her. "I told you yesterday I'd come and see you," he said sitting on the edge of the bed. "About yesterday..." he trailed off clasping his hands in front of her.
Shifting to sit up straight in her bed Dalia thought about last night, not just the kiss the two had shared, but later than night when she'd run into Klaus. She knew the original wasn't a friend, but to her, he wasn't exactly an enemy anymore, he was something else but she just wasn't sure what. But Tyler, well he was Tyler. Exhaling she looked off to the side as she began to talk. "Yesterday my head was all over the place. My adrenaline was rushing because of Katerina, so you don't have to worry about it" she shrugged as she pulled the covers off herself and stood up from the bed.
"Are you sure?" Tyler asked raising his brows.
"Yeah" she answered simply as she folded her arms across her chest. "Now, out, I need to change" she smirked as she started to walk away from the bed.
In a blur Tyler appeared in front of her. "Don't do that" he sighed shaking his head. "It's okay to show emotions, to admit you like someone. You don't have to be this sarcastic person with their guard up 24/7. You're not Katherine"
Dalia bit her lip, briefly looking to the wooden floor beneath them before back to his brown hues. "Thanks for the concern Ty, but I'm fine"
"So you feel absolutely nothing, the kiss meant, nothing?"
Dalia shrugged again, "Nope, sorry"
Pursing his lips Tyler gave a slow nod before stepping slowly out of her way, intending to make his way out of the room. Dalia stood still, her arms still folded across her chest, gaze remaining on the floor. But suddenly she felt hands on her waist, Tyler was stood back in front of her and as she looked up to meet his eyes he leaned in kissing her deeply. The doppelganger didn't hesitate to kiss him back, her arms unfolding as she wrapped them around his neck, her fingers finding his hair and playing with it. After a few seconds, Tyler pulled out of the kiss and looked at her breathlessly. "So that's what an "I feel nothing" kiss is like" he teased smirking at her.
Dalia pursed her lips as she tried to hold back a smirk. "Shut up Lockwood"
"Come out with me tonight" Tyler smiled.
The brunette gave him an unsure look as she arched a brow. "What do you mean?"
"A date Dalia" he smiled. "Will you go on a date with me?"
"Hmm" she hummed as she unwrapped her arms from around his neck and began to walk away. "Let me think about it" she teased with a smug look.
"C'mon" Tyler laughed knowing she was messing with him. Of course she was, she was Dalia.
"Don't rush me!" she playfully insisted as she glanced over her shoulder at him grinning deviously. Tyler shook his head amused as he looked up at her through his lashes. Seeing his expression Dalia smiled and rolled her eyes. "Fine"
"Fine what?" Tyler prompted.
Walking towards him again she spoke, "I'll go on a date with you" she agreed, tapping his cheek lightly. "7 o'clock, the Grill"
"I asked you out, but you're deciding the time and place?" he questioned with a chuckle before he nodded. "Sounds good to me"

At the hotel Klaus sat in a chair by the window, staring out it aimlessly as he played with a coin between his fingers as Kol exited the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist with another in his hand drying his hair.
"So, what're we doing today?" Kol asked walking into the middle of the room. Hearing his voice Klaus was snapped from his thoughts and finally looked at his brother.
"Do you have to walk around like that?" the hybrid groaned.
"Uncomfortable in your masculinity Nik?" Kol teased with a smirk as he tossed his hair drying towel onto a bed. "Now, I asked, what're the plans?"
Clenching his jaw Klaus turned his attention back to the window. "Dalia won't come back with us"
Hearing his brother's words, and assuming them to be speculation Kol held a confused look. "Why do you say that?"
"Get dressed and I'll tell you" Klaus bartered as he stood up from the chair. In some seconds Kol was dressed and sat on the bed awaiting his brother's explanation. "I saw her last night. She told me she kissed Lockwood" he answered trying to show no emotion.
"Why don't I talk to her, I'm her best friend, she's more likely to listen to me than you" Kol suggested.
Klaus gave a chuckle at his brother's response. "You, Kol Mikaelson actually want to talk about something instead of acting first, Elijah must be rubbing off on you"
"She's my friend Nik, one of the few I have" Kol reasoned. Kol did care about Dalia, he always had. She was the doppelganger he had kept secret from his brother, the girl whose company he genuinely enjoyed because she could make him laugh with her witty remarks, but he knew her to deep down be a sweet girl that cared even if she wouldn't admit it.
Klaus shook his head in defeat. "I think it's best we just return home"
A perplexed look formed on Kol's face as he cocked his neck forward. "You're letting Tyler Lockwood win?" he scoffed.
"It's not a competition" Klaus was quick to snap. "She, is not a competition"
Sighing Kol got up from the bed. "How about we go for drinks later. Then if you still want to leave... fine" he shrugged.
Klaus rolled his eyes. "Fine, but I don't see how you can change my mind" he agreed as he flipped the coin he was holding into the air.
Kol blurred in front of him and grabbed the coin before Klaus could. "Don't doubt my persuasiveness brother" he smirked before flicking the coin back to Klaus. "We'll go to the Grill at 7" he smirked.

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