Chapter Thirty-Two

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Dalia slowly stretched out her limbs as she awoke. She sighed and rolled over onto her stomach as she mushed her face into the pillow lightly, letting out a muffled huff. The night had been filled with gasps as Dalia awoke from her sleep, the dreams she had weren't the nicest. It was mostly a repetition of what had happened the day before.
Forcing herself to get out of her bed and walked into the bathroom, she walked to the mirror and looked at herself. She had been through so much since she'd come to Mystic, and at this point, wasn't really sure if that was for the better or not. She brought her hand up to run her fingers through her hair as she closed her eyes to take a breather. After a moment she looked at herself in the mirror again, and decided to try and push the bad thoughts into the back of her mind and try to focus on the positives... however few there may be. Wanting to make herself more presentable she hopped into the shower, hoping that would also help her mentality. 

After spending probably more time than needed basking in the warm water, Dalia finally left the shower and bathroom, entering her adjoining bedroom with a towel wrapped around her. Taking a few minutes to ready herself she was then ready to leave the comfort of her bedroom. Trudging down the staircase it didn't take long before she made her way into the kitchen where she saw Kol sitting, phone in a hand. At the sight of him, Dalia smiled lightly. 
"Hello there," she said approaching him, already feeling slightly better.
Looking up from his phone, Kol mirrored her smile. "Look who decided to grace us with her presence."
"Us?" Dalia questioned, taking a seat. 
"There's more than just you and Kol in this house." Rebekah's voice sprung from nowhere as she made her way into the kitchen.
Dalia rolled her eyes lightly at Rebekah before speaking, "Where's Klaus and Elijah?"
"Elijah's gone into town and Nik's in bed," Kol told, returning to tapping on his phone screen.
"D'you want something to eat?" Bekah asked, scanning the fridge shelves.
"No thanks, I'm okay for now... I'm gonna go get my phone," Hopping off her chair Dalia left the room and headed back upstairs. Though she walked past her bedroom and instead headed to Klaus's room. As she stood outside his door she bit her lip, before quietly pushing the door open and peeking inside. Seeing the Original still asleep in his bed, she began to creep into the room until she was by his bedside. 
She began to examine his features as she stood there before noticing a rogue feather on his cheek, presumably from his pillows. Reaching her hand towards the feather she gasped when suddenly her wrist was grabbed. Her gaze quickly shifted to see Klaus' eyes were still closed though he held a playful smirk. "What're you doing?" 
"Well right now I'm waiting for my hand to be released," she sassed, wiggling her wrist in his hand. Klaus finally opened his eyes, the smirk remaining as he released his grip. "How long were you really awake?" Dalia asked, arching an eyebrow.
"Since you stood outside my door and your heartbeat went up," he teased, as he propped himself up in the bed. Dalia's eyes trailed downwards as the covers fell to the Original's waist, exposing his toned torso. "There, it just went up again." Klaus grinned, commenting on her heartbeat. 
Blinking back to reality, Dalia regained composure and tore her eyes away from his chest. "I'll let you get dressed." And with that the doppelganger spun on her heels and left the bedroom, cursing herself and wondering if her heartrate had actually increased or if Klaus was just playing with her. Regardless, she made her way back to the kitchen where Rebekah and Kol remained. 
"Get your phone?"
"Uh?" Dalia asked, snapping herself from her wandering mind. 
"The thing you went upstairs for?" Rebekah pointed out, with a slight smile as she placed a plate on the table
"Oh yeah." Dalia lied with nod, eyes landing on the plate. 
Noticing her gaze Kol spoke, "It's for you, we already had some bloog bags." He passed by her, tapping his phone against her head. 
"Where are you going?" she asked, taking a seat in front of the plate. 
"Don't worry darling, I'm just popping out. It seems someone drank the majority of our alcohol... Rebekah?" he mumbled the last part as he put on his jacket. 
"Excuse me...."
Before Bekah could finish she was cut off by another voice, "You're excused." Klaus chimed as he entered the room, a cheeky grin on his lips. 

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