Chapter Thirtheen

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Damon, Stefan and Tyler were in the living room waiting for Bonnie. Tyler had the map on the ground table, Stefan lit some candles and had them put in front of the map. He had searched to find something that belonged to Dalia, it was hard since her room had been cleaned up when she 'left', he eventually did find something it was just a top. He had it beside the map, Tyler was pacing he was worried, thinking maybe Bonnie backed out? Damon was sitting on the couch drinking the bottle of bourbon he bought.

"She's here" Damon said, alerting the boys.

Then Bonnie walked in, the boys were too stuck in their thoughts to hear her. She was holding a grimoire in her hand when she waked into the living room.

"You ready ?" Stefan asked, she nodded and walked over to the map, she picked up the top "It's all I could find"

"It'll do" she smiled, then glanced at Tyler, who was forcing a smile.

Damon stood up "Is there anything we have to do ?" he asked.

"Just be quiet and let me focus" she said opening the grimoire on the page she needed. The boys all stood by each other as she stood in front of the map, she ripped a piece of the top, she quickly scanned the grimoire.

"Tyler hand me a candle" she said holding out her hand, he quickly brought it over and put it in her hand. She placed it beside her, she huffed and closed her eyes. Chanting quietly as she swayed the piece of the top over the candle, the flame on the candle grew. It reached the top and set it alight Bonnie let it go and it turned to ash. The boys exchanged confused looks, they looked at the ashes around the candle as Bonnie kept chanting her hands now over the map, the other over the ashes. Suddenly the ashes started to rise as Bonnie kept chanting, they moved to over the map. She said the last chant loudly and the ashes dropped on the map in a circle. They stood beside her and looked at the map then her, the ashes were in a circle around the place.

"That's it" she nodded "That's where Dalia is"

Tyler smiled relieved and pulled her into a hug "Thank you" he whispered.

"No problem" she chuckled "Now go get your girl"


"Come on Dalia you have to pick something" Rebekah said looking through the racks of clothes.

Dalia was leaning against the wall examining her nails "Tell me why I'm going out for drinks" she argued.

Rebekah sighed "You are extremely irritating and I'm surprised that you're letting me choose" 

"I'm not" she smirked "You pick something and I'll judge it, eventually you'll get bored and we'll just leave"

Rebekah glared at her "If it was up to me, your neck would be snapped already"

"Lucky for me it's not up to you" she smirked cockily, her eyes moving to look at her special ring a devious look in her eyes. 

"Go try this on" Rebekah picked out an outfit.

"Fine" Dalia shrugged taking the clothes. She walked into the dressing room and came out a minute later. She stood in front of Rebekah, Rebekah looked her up and down checking the she had picked out. 

"Nice" Rebekah nodded, smiling proudly at her choice. 

Dalia crossed her arms over her chest looking down at the dress "No Rebekah" she said shaking her head "I'm not wearing this"

"Why not ?" she asked slightly insulted "It's fine"

"Maybe for you" she scoffed "Why would I wear something like this just to have drinks ?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

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