Chapter Sixteen

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Klaus, Kol and Rebekah were in a department store, Kol had told him what Dalia said about him having to get new clothes. Klaus had asked Rebekah for help, that's why she was there. Kol just wanted to tag along to see what mess of Klaus Rebekah would make.

"Now dear sister where do we start?" Kol smirked looking at Rebekah.

Klaus looked over his shoulder at Kol and growled.

"Take it easy brother, we're all friends here" Kol teased "I'm going to walk around and look at some things, you two have fun" he said before walking away.

Klaus shook his head and sat down rubbing his temples.

"You should be happy Kol is back" Rebekah said going through the racks of clothing.

"I am" Klaus huffed. 

"It doesn't seem so" she countered, pursing her lips.

"Sorry if we didn't throw a party for him coming back from the dead for the second time" Klaus retorted.

"Nik if you want my help, just be quiet" she rolled her eyes "What about this?" she asked picking up a blue shirt.

Klaus looked at the shirt then to her "You are kidding me aren't you?"

She put the shirt back and kept looking "Did you give it to her?" she asked breaking the silence between them.

"Give her what ?" Klaus asked folding his arms.

"The new phone" Rebekah smirked looking over her shoulder at him "I saw you putting it in the box and the note"

Klaus chuckled and smiled "Yes I did"

Rebekah smiled softly, which didn't go unnoticed. "What is it?" Klaus asked raising an eyebrow.

"You're different around her" she smiled "You're happy and you have fun. She seems like someone you actually care for that's outside of the family"

Klaus looked to the side hiding the smile on his face. Kol blurred back standing next to Rebekah "Hello sweetheart" he teased.

She bared her fangs at him smirking "Hello" 

Kol chuckled and looked at Klaus "What's up with her?" he whispered.

Klaus turned his attention back to them "Nothing brother" he smirked standing up "Just looking for clothes"

Kol nodded unsure, but shrugged it off "Well I found something you'd like, Rebekah can't dress a doll never mind you"

Klaus laughed and Rebekah glared at them both "Cheer up" Klaus smirked.

"Come on" Kol said walking with his hands in his pockets.

"Where are you going?" Rebekah asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"To the good clothes" Kol smirked as he kept walking.

Klaus looked at Rebekah "See I am glad to have him back" he smirked blurring next to Kol putting his arm around his shoulder.

Rebekah threw her hands up in the air "Wait up then" she called, blurring after them.

*Meanwhile; Outside of the Mikaelson mansion*

"Are you sure about this Elena ?" Stefan asked looking at her attentively.

She nodded "We all want her back and we're going to get her back"

Tyler scanned the house "She's in the living room and asleep" 

"Any sign of Klaus or the others ?" Damon asked standing next to him.

Tyler shook his head "I can't tell"

"You remember Klaus said not to come back or we'd be leaving in body bags right?" Damon questioned looking at Tyler.

"I know" Tyler nodded with a huff.

"Good" Damon smirked walking over to Elena.

"I hope this works" Stefan muttered.

"It will" she said smiling at him.

"If they're all in there...." Stefan trailed off not wanting to think of what could happen to Elena.

"Stefan, I'll be fine" she smiled cupping his cheek.

"Okay come on, are we doing this or what?" Damon said getting impatient.

Elena looked over her shoulder at him and nodded, she moved her hand off Stefan's cheek and walked over to Damon. "I still think you look weird with curly hair" he said fixing her clothes.

Elena smiled at him "I'll be fine" she knew Damon was worried about her but didn't want to say anything. He looked up and smiled at her and pulled her into a hug, she laughed lightly wrapping her arms around him as she kissed his cheek. Tyler was focused on the house trying to listen for footsteps or anything. Elena pulled away from Damon and walked over to Tyler putting her hand on his shoulder. "We'll get in and get out Tyler" she smiled.

He looked at her and smiled "Thank you for doing this Elena, you're risking your life if they're all in there"

"Not to mention if they catch us out here" Damon said folding his arms.

"They won't" she huffed "You guys are so negative" she shook her head making her way to the house. Stefan, Tyler and Damon all stood next to each other.

"Okay so Elena will pretend to be Dalia" Damon nodded "She'll find her own way in, hopefully not all of them are in there"

"And hopefully they don't pay attention to the no heartbeat" Tyler sighed rubbing his neck.

Elena looked back at them "Stefan, come on" she nodded.

Stefan jogged over to her "Which way in?"

"I'm going to try her room, stay close to me" she said looking up at the house.

Stefan nodded "Okay, how will I know when to help?"

She smirked "You'll know"

Stefan chuckled and watched as she jumped up into Dalia's room window, she looked out the window "All clear" she whispered. She moved away from the window and Stefan jumped into the window brushing himself off. "Shh" Elena hushed him.

'Sorry' he mouthed, he walked over to the desk. He looked at her things and the note caught his attention, he picked it up and read it.

"Stefan" Elena whispered, he quickly tucked the note into his pocket "Are you ready?"

He nodded and blurred behind the door, she slowly opened the door and walked out leaving it open. She turned around and was faced with Elijah.

"What are you doing ?" he asked.

"I was just in my room, am I not allowed in there ?" she chuckled rhetorically, trying to act like Dalia.

"I suppose you are" Elijah shrugged beginning to walk away.

Elena bit her lip "Elijah?"

He turned around. "Yes Dalia?"

"Where's Klaus?" she asked.

"He's with Kol and Rebekah" he said "Didn't you read the note?" he asked suspiciously.

Elena was still hung on the name he said. Kol. She thought he was dead, she and Jer killed him. She snapped back to reality "Of course I read it, I wanted to know where exactly they were" she shrugged folding her arms, trying to correct her mistake.

He nodded "Well you don't need to worry, they'll be back later," he said smiling slightly "Do you need anything?"

Elena smirked "Just one thing" she said "Now!" she yelled. Stefan quickly blurred out from behind the door to behind Elijah and snapped his neck letting his body fall to the floor. "Let's go" Elena said, they reached the top of the staircase.

"Dalia" they heard, they looked and saw Tyler standing at the front door and Damon behind him.


They looked Dalia was standing at the end of the stairs. Elena and Stefan blurred down behind Dalia.

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